Chapter 138 Your IQ Is Not High

After quietly drinking something, An Yinian took out a comic and threw it over.

Mucheng took it over and took a look, she still liked to watch it.

The two of them were just so quiet, reading a book amidst the faintly bitter coffee aroma.

In the evening, Mucheng checked the time on her phone, Di Yao was about to fly to Paris.

She misses him a little bit, and wonders if he will look for her when he gets there.

Thinking of these, my heart is filled with sweet feelings.

"What? Are you leaving?"

With just one look from her, An Yinian noticed something was wrong.

"Well, I want to go home."

Mu Orange nodded.

"However, Su Ning hasn't called yet."

Mucheng was a little embarrassed.

"You send her a message, just say that someone seems to have discovered something."

An Yinian lowered his head slightly, looking down at the reflection of the writing in his hand.

"But those who followed him have already left!"

Mucheng looked outside hesitantly, those people left two hours ago.

"So... Only in this way can we bring her back."

An Yinian's voice was faint.

"then you……"

"At a time like this, she doesn't believe me!"

Before Mucheng could ask her a question, An Yinian immediately said another sentence.

Mucheng nodded, picked up her phone, and sent a message to Su Ning.

The two sat quietly for a while, and Su Ning arrived in a hurry.

From a distance, people are like a ball of flame, blazing like a storm, trying to sweep people away.

"An Yinian, it's you again!"

She walked up to An Yinian, her eyebrows were cold.

"I sent the message, why did you say him?"

Mucheng was a little confused, but suddenly felt that Su Ning was so sensible.

Su Ning just glanced at her slightly, and then said, "Your IQ is like that, you can't do anything?"


After Mucheng heard this, she was about to vomit blood.

What happened to her IQ? ?

She doesn't even know how to deceive people like this, she looks down on people too much!

Mucheng stared at Su Ning angrily.

Su Ning also probably realized that she accidentally revealed the truth, and quickly looked at Mucheng and smiled, "I mean you are too simple, not as old and cunning as him."


Mucheng snorted coldly, that's about the same.

"Since you're here, I should go!"

Mucheng stood up, the time was getting late, she wanted to go back quickly.

"I'll take you back!"

Su Ning couldn't let her explain, picked up the if on the table, and dragged her to run outside.

Sitting in the car, Su Ning drove into the suburbs at lightning speed, and then gave Mu Cheng'er an order.

"Orange orange!"

Her voice was full of kindness.


Mucheng touched her arms, why did she feel that chilly feeling.

"Let me tell you, don't listen to An Yinian in the future, I believe you!"

Su Ning taught again and again.

"Huh? Then you want to do this often in the future!"

Mucheng stared at her.

"Yeah, don't you want to help me?"

Seeing that she was unwilling, Su Ning immediately looked at her with a sad face.

"It's so hard to love someone, and my heart hurts. If it wasn't for that casual glance, I wouldn't have seen him in the light..."


I have started to recite poems, which is really enough.

Why didn't I find out before that she is still so artistic?

"When Di Yao comes back, I will explain to him that there will be absolutely no estrangement between your husband and wife."

(End of this chapter)

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