Chapter 152 A Gift for You

"Thank you ma'am!"

When the salesperson heard her words, his face suddenly changed, and he bent over again and again.

After Mucheng left, the salesperson in charge of the other side came over.

"What's wrong??"

"The wife of the president just now!"

The salesperson said with lingering fear.

"Fortunately, the manager is not here today!"

The salesperson also lamented her good luck.

After a bad episode, Mucheng continued to go shopping, she hadn't gone shopping for a long time.

When I went to the underwear floor, I suddenly saw a familiar figure in a shop.

She took another look at the lingerie store, it was full of sexy lingerie, how could she be in that.

Mucheng was puzzled for a while, and walked in.


As soon as she entered, a clerk greeted her.

Mucheng waved her hand, and walked straight to the familiar figure, who happened to turn around.


She suddenly exclaimed, and patted her heart with her hands, "You scared me to death!"

Mucheng smiled, and looked at her again, "What are you doing?"

She thought it was funny at first, but when she saw what she was holding in her hand, Mu Cheng couldn't laugh anymore.

In her hand, she was holding a black silk net. Looking at the shape, she was still wearing it all over her body.

In an instant, Mu Orange made up the picture in her mind.

"Buy clothes!"

Su Ning shook the clothes on her hands, and said to the staff on the side, "Put them all up for me!"

Hearing what she said, Mucheng looked along and saw that there were all kinds of things on the table on one side.

What police uniforms, stewardess uniforms, sailor uniforms...all kinds of exposed messes are there.

"You haven't worn it, I'll give you a set!"

Su Ning looked at Mucheng's stunned expression, and suddenly felt it was funny, and quickly said to the clerk at the side, "Give that nurse's suit an item for this young lady."

"I do not……"

"Six Day gift for you!"

What Mucheng refused was blocked by Su Ning before she could say it.

As an adult, the first gift I received was a sex suit.

"Don't be too moved!"

Su Ning patted Mucheng on the shoulder, and then said: "Your Emperor Yao seems to be sick, go back and treat him."

At the same time as he said that, the clerk on the side brought the gift bag over.

Mucheng accepted it in embarrassment.

"Wait, are you using this to seduce Yin Xiaze??"

Mucheng instantly felt that she couldn't turn the corner. They must have known each other not long ago!

Su Ning is going to attack him on the bed? ?

Mucheng felt that the whole person was not well.

"Of course, he is destined to be my man!"

As Su Ning said, she clenched her fingers tightly, with an expression of being determined to win.


Seeing him like this, Mucheng couldn't say anything.

"Good luck!"

"Thank you!"

At this time, Su Ning's large bag of things was also put away.

"I'm leaving, let's meet for dinner next time!"

Su Ning put on her sunglasses, waved to her, and went out.

"Miss, do you need delivery?"

A clerk walked up to her, showing a gentle smile.

"no need!"

Mucheng shook her hand, it's not good to send this to the villa!
It was safer for her to hold it by herself. Holding such a thing in her hand, Mu Cheng suddenly felt flushed.

There is no desire to continue shopping.After watching, I took the elevator directly to the parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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