Chapter 158 Be My Mother
"Why are you so stupid!" Mucheng rolled her eyes, usually she can learn everything quickly, but at this time, she couldn't think clearly at all.

"It was noon, that secretary came out from under your desk, and made a coquettish cry before, I!"

Mucheng huh-huh at the beginning and said a lot, and finally he hesitated a bit, but Di Yao still understood it very clearly.


Di Yao had nothing to say, and his face darkened.

He really wanted to know what was going on in her little head.

Does he have a brain? ?
Need to look like this in the office.

Under his gaze, Mucheng flinched even more.

"Let's go back!"

Di Yao stood up, bent down and hugged Sikong Che in his arms.

Mu Cheng silently put away the picnic blanket, picked up the trash, and followed Di Yao.

The surroundings were still very lively, and the silence of the two of them seemed a bit depressed.

Mucheng carried her things and silently followed behind him.


After walking for a while, Mucheng couldn't bear it anymore and called him.


Di Yao turned around.

"are you mad?"

Mucheng asked cautiously.


Di Yao didn't hide anything, and nodded directly.


Because of his direct attitude, Mucheng didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that she was silent, Di Yao hugged Sikong Che and continued walking forward.

Mucheng continued to follow behind him wordlessly.

When they got to the car, the car was driving, and the two of them didn't speak.

Mucheng hugged Sikong Che, played with his little hands, stared at Diyao who was driving in front of her with a pair of bright eyes.

The atmosphere in the car is a bit sluggish, why is this guy so stingy!

What's so angry about this, just ignore her.

Then she ignored him, hum!
Thinking about it, Mucheng also tilted her head, looked out the window, and stopped thinking about it.

After returning to the villa, Sikong Che woke up.

"Little Che, how about I sleep with you tonight?"

After getting out of the car, Mucheng dragged Sikong Che in again.


Sikong Che nodded, looking very happy!

Looking at their figures walking forward, Di Yao couldn't help touching his forehead.

Shouldn't he be angry?Why, he could feel her arrogant appearance.

Di Yao thought for a while, and talked to her.

So he walked to the front, followed upstairs, and before he could say a word to Mucheng, Mucheng slammed the door shut.

Di Yao was locked out of the door, he touched his nose and went back to the room.

Mucheng stood in front of the door, waited for a while, and found that he hadn't come in, her little face collapsed.

"Auntie, I want to take a bath!"

Seeing that she was still standing by the door in a daze, Sikong Che walked over and tugged at the corner of her clothes.

"Okay, I'll take you to the shower!"

With an unhappy expression on her face, Mucheng dragged Sikong Che to the bathroom.

"Auntie, are you unhappy?"

Sikong Che immediately noticed her depressed mood.

"A little!"

Mu Orange nodded.

"Is it because of Uncle Di?"

Sikong Che asked.


Mucheng nodded heavily again, that's right, that villain.

"Then Auntie doesn't want him anymore, marry my father and be my mother!"

Sikong Che was very happy, and quickly thought of a solution for her!

Mucheng suddenly petrified.

(End of this chapter)

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