Chapter 162 Let's have a baby

Just for a moment, Sikongye's voice came from the phone.

"Sikongye, take your son away tomorrow!"

After Di Yao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Uncle Di, what you say doesn't count, I've shown you everything, why are you still like this?"

Sikong Che is not happy, why did he show it, he should be driven away!


Di Yao snorted coldly, reached out to delete the photo, and stood up.

When he reached the door, he turned his head again, "Go to bed early, and go back tomorrow!"

After he finished speaking, he went out.

Sikong Che sat there for a while, waited for a while, and after feeling safe, he continued to pull out that photo and continued to edit it.

While retouching the picture, while thinking about it.

"Be silly of me, why don't you back up this kind of photos!"

Over there, Di Yao returned to the room, and as soon as he saw Mucheng under the dizzy yellow light, he was still a little angry, but it disappeared immediately.

He slowly got on the bed and lay on her side, his hand gently stroked her flat belly.

They don't know when they will be able to have their own children.

I don't know if it will be like Mucheng or him, anyway, he will definitely be more cute than that little guy Sikong Che.

Thinking of the child in his heart, Di Yao hugged Mucheng and fell asleep.

The next day, Mucheng woke up early in the morning.

Di Yao had already gotten up. After she finished washing, she just went downstairs when she heard the sound of conversation from downstairs.

When she walked down, she saw Sikong Che and rushed towards her.

"What's wrong, Little Che!"

Mucheng saw Sikong Ye who was talking with Di Yao on the sofa at a glance, and also guessed that he brought Sikong Che home.

"Auntie, I'm going home."

Sikong Che pouted, a little aggrieved.

He obviously didn't want to leave, and it was obviously Uncle Di, that stingy man, who was driving him away.

"Sikong Che!"

Sikong Ye who was sitting on the sofa just coldly called Sikong Che's name, and he reluctantly let go of Mucheng.

"Thank you for your care, we should leave!"

Sikong Ye stood up.

"Thank you uncle and aunt for your care!"

Sikong Che also bowed, and obediently followed behind Sikong Ye, looking back at each step.

"Really, why did you let Xiao Che go home so quickly!"

Seeing Xiao Che's reluctance, Mucheng also felt a little bit reluctant.

Especially Xiao Che's little eyes, she felt that her heart had melted into water.

"After all, this is not his home!"

Di Yao walked to her side and put his arms around her shoulders.

Of course, he wouldn't say that he drove the little light bulb away.

"But Xiao Che is very cute!"

Mucheng was still a little bit reluctant.

"Then we can have a cuter one."

Di Yao whispered in her ear.

"A Yao, you..."

Mucheng blushed immediately, and looked at him shyly while wanting to speak.

"Why, don't you want it?"

Di Yao raised his eyebrows and asked softly.


Mucheng thought for a while, then nodded, indeed, she really wanted to.

Di Yao smiled and dragged her to the dining table.

Mucheng looked at his smile and was slightly infatuated.

"Hurry up and finish eating, finish eating, follow me to the company!"

"Ah?? Go to your company, why?"

Mu Orange was a little puzzled.

"You're going to graduate at the end of June, isn't it just right to look for a job now?"

(End of this chapter)

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