Chapter 180 There Is Nowhere To Go
Mucheng held the phone and played helplessly.

She looked at the waiter on the side, and also looked over with strange eyes.

Perhaps, in other people's eyes, they are three people, not a couple alone.

But a pair of Kiga alone.

That person is her, it is her!

She narrowed her eyes at Di Yao, when he went out today, he dressed herself up like that.

Could it be that he has taken a fancy to An Yinian?

This thought filled Mucheng's heart, and she felt a slight discomfort.

He obviously loves himself and has feelings for himself.

He's not gay, could he be the legendary bisexual?

No, she doesn't want to serve a husband with An Yinian.

Being with my ex-boyfriend, serving together, this feeling is really fucking weird!

"What are you thinking?"

In just a moment, Di Yao was already standing beside her.

"Ah?" Mucheng was slightly taken aback, looking at the opposite side, An Yinian was no longer there.

"What about An Yinian??"

Mucheng asked in surprise.

"Let's go! He greeted you just now, but you just ignored him."

Di Yao pinched the center of his brows, feeling that his emotions had just gone out of his mind again.

"Oh, then let's go home too!"

Mucheng stood up and held her hand.

Well, fortunately, her husband is still her husband.

"What are you thinking??"

Di Yao gave her a strange look.

"No no!"

Mucheng shook her hands quickly, how could she tell him what she was thinking.

Say it, feel like you're going to be beaten to death, okay?
As soon as he saw her trying to cover up, Di Yao knew that what she was thinking was definitely not a good thing.

Don't ask any more.

The two left the store, and the night outside became darker.

"Aren't you going back??"

Mucheng saw that he was just standing in front of the shop, showing no sign of going back.

"Shall we go shopping?"

he asked.

"There's nothing to do."

Mucheng shook her head. Although it is a woman's nature to go shopping, the clothes, bags, shoes and socks at home are basically delivered to the cloakroom at home as soon as a new season comes out.

She really had nothing to buy.

Since there is nothing to buy, there is no need to go shopping!
"Let's go out, we have to have fun! Watch a movie?"

Di Yao asked her again, as if he really didn't want to go back.

"No, it feels good to watch movies at home."

Mucheng shook her head again, the screen at home is better than the one in the cinema, okay?
What's more, at home, you can lie down if you want to lie down, sit if you want to sit, and roll if you want to.


Di Yao had nothing to say.

So the two of them can't be outside?
But at this time, there is no arrangement at home.

Then what should I do!

"Let's go to the night market. I heard that there are many interesting gadgets there."

When Mucheng thought of the night market, her eyes lit up. Not only were there many small handmade things, but there were also many snacks.

Although I was full from eating just now, I will be hungry when I walk around later, so I must go to eat again.

Thinking of this, Mucheng's heart suddenly bubbled with beauty.

The expression on the face is also very rich and vivid.

When Di Yao saw her like this, he also guessed a bit.

The night market is not too far away from the street where the two eat. It takes only five or six minutes to walk there.

The Guhe Night Market in City C is on Guhe Street.

(End of this chapter)

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