Chapter 184 I Choose Death
With a smile on the corner of Di Yao's mouth, he followed behind her.

"Di Yao!"

The slim figure walking in front suddenly stopped.

She turned around and glared at him angrily.

"Um, what's up, baby!?"

With a smile on the corner of Di Yao's mouth, he asked her.

"you dislike me."

Mucheng pouted her mouth, and there was a trace of water vapor in her eyes.

"I do not have to die."

Di Yao suddenly felt innocent.

How could he despise her.

"Then look at my little belly, you must dislike me for eating too much, and then dislike me for being fat. You scold me..."

Mucheng's little face was flushed, it was obvious that she was very angry.

"Why did I scold you again?"

Di Yao suddenly lost his mind.

When did he scold her.

How could he be willing to scold her?

"You said you didn't scold me, you called me fat!"

Mucheng pouted, her eyes full of accusations.

"……All right."

Di Yao looked at her feeling aggrieved, and his heart was immediately disturbed.

"Just treat it as my fault, okay."

He was very helpless, so he calmed down first.

"Whatever is, is what it is."

Mucheng stared at him, her eyes were full of tears, and her eyes were like black diamonds washed with water, very bright.

"Okay, it was my fault."

Di Yao said quickly.

"Then...then where did you go wrong."

Mucheng looked at him again, pouted and asked.

"me fault……"

Di Yao was screaming in his heart, where did I go wrong, I can't figure out where I went wrong, I feel like it's a capital crime.

He glanced at Mucheng, still looking at him with watery eyes.

"I shouldn't look at your belly, and I shouldn't have any thoughts that make you feel fat. In fact, no matter what you are, I love you, whether you are fat or you are thin."

Di Yao hugged her tightly.

When Mucheng heard him say this, the corners of her mouth inevitably twitched, showing a hint of a smile.

Di Yao was no longer angry when he saw it, and let go of his high heart.

The two continued to walk hand in hand.

After walking for a while, Mucheng said again, "I want to lose weight, the video we watched yesterday, that anchor, you said I was so thin, how about it."


Di Yao immediately denied it.

"That anchor is as skinny as a stick. Besides, it's really unhealthy for you to be that thin."

"Then... A Yao, do you like me skinny like a stick, or do you like me fat?"

There was a smile on Mucheng's lips, and her eyes were also sparkling, like the brightest stars in the sky.


What the hell question is this.

Di Yao felt that at this time, as a husband with a high IQ, he should be more humorous.

"I choose death!!"

As soon as this remark was said, there was no entertainment effect as imagined.

"Okay, if you choose to die now, I will kill you."

Mucheng hit him one after another.

Her hands felt like they were scratching her body.

Where there is a little pain, on the contrary, the muscles on the body are so hard.

Di Yao grabbed her hand.


Mu Chengliu's brows were erected, and she squinted at him with infinite charm.

"Does your hand hurt?"

he asks.

"It doesn't hurt anymore!"

Mu Cheng blushed, shook off his hand, and continued to walk forward.

Di Yao also smiled slightly, and followed behind her.

The two walked in Mingshan.
Oh, it’s still the same, if you like me, put the book on the shelf, and then give me your votes, comments, and enthusiasm, and I will write better plots to give back to everyone, of course Five is a daily routine every day! !

(End of this chapter)

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