Chapter 191 Where is the First Lover?

Liu Weiwei thought about it, and then remembered that when he went to the mall before, he saw Wang Anni standing at the counter in the mall and became a counter lady.

In the past, she was also a young lady, who only went to buy new clothes every season, but now she has become like this.

They also grew up together and studied abroad together. They spent the best time together.

Just tell her!
She kept thinking about how to harm Mucheng.

If he really tried to harm Mucheng, he would really die without a whole body.

Thinking about it, Liu Weiwei felt scared for a while, and hastily sent a message to Wang Anni.

On the other side, Wang Anni received this message, her eyes were filled with disbelief, and she remembered the limited edition skirts in three colors.

Suddenly, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Clenching her fingers tightly, the slender nails pierced into the skin, and the palms were covered with crescent-shaped wounds.

"Mucheng, I won't let you go."

She read it coldly, her eyes were full of hatred.

It was because of her, the wife of the president, that she wanted to experience life, which made her look like a human and a ghost.

From the daughter of a thousand gold, she has fallen to her current position.

My father was arrested for taking bribes, and my mother died of swallowing medicine because of the ups and downs in life. Among relatives and friends, I was like a nasty mouse, and everyone shouted and beat me.

Mucheng, it's all her fault.

If she hadn't pretended to be a pauper, a local turtle, would she go back and provoke her? ?

Then she, Wang Anni, is still a rich lady and a little princess, does she need to be like this?
The anger in Wang Anni's eyes could no longer be concealed.

However, she didn't think about her fault at all.

Could it be that the weak are born to be bullied? ?

If it wasn't for Mucheng's status, what would have happened to Mucheng.

Of course, she wouldn't think so. In her heart, there was only hatred and she blamed Mucheng. If it wasn't for her, her life wouldn't be turned upside down like this.

She wanted revenge, and she really wanted to thank Liu Weiwei for giving her such a great news, otherwise she really couldn't change it.

She looked at the magazine on the side.

News of Song Jiaren's strong comeback.

Others don't know, but she does. She used to go to a girls' school in middle school, and she went to middle school and high school together.

However, there is a shining star in the high school, and the goddess-like one is Song Jiaren.

She is beautiful and kind-hearted, even in a high position, she has no airs.

Even if a woman is naturally jealous, it disappears in front of her.

A woman like her deserves better people and better things.

Wang Anni fell into deep thought. She remembered that at that time, she had seen Di Yao, Wei Zhe, Song Jiaren and the three of them often together.

The girls' school only had holidays on weekends. At that time, two handsome guys with very different styles stood in front of the school gate, waiting for Song Jiaren.

Until now, it is still vivid.

Originally, girls' schools rarely saw boys, let alone such high-quality boys.

What's more, the boy who was still standing with Song Jiaren.

She still remembered that when Song Jiaren was standing with Di Yao, the smile on her face was obviously a woman immersed in love.

At that time, Di Yao's expression was naturally affectionate.

Although it has been so many years, but after all, it is the first love lover.

(End of this chapter)

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