Chapter 194 The incomparable beauty
"Director Wan didn't eat. You can eat outside and write my bill."


Hearing this sentence, Wan Nianqing was completely disheartened, she shook her head.

"No need, more hospitality from Ms. Song, I'll leave first."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

When she was about to close the door, she heard Song Jiaren's soft and graceful voice inside.

"Can I see Mucheng tomorrow?"

The door was closed, and the sound inside was silenced.

Wan Nianqing's palms were slightly wet, she looked serious, and finally left with heavy steps.

"Do you like the one designed by Zhang Meng??"

Wei Zhe also asked aloud, he didn't ignore Song Jiaren's look just now.


Song Jiaren was also very calm and admitted with a smile.

"Then why did you choose Mucheng's?"

Wei Zhe also asked doubts.

"Because she is Di Yao's wife, I want to get in touch with her more, so what kind of clothes I wear is important to me and protection!"

Song Jiaren always had a smile on her lips, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

"You now……"

Wei Zhe was also slightly surprised, but he didn't finish the following words.


Although he didn't finish speaking, Song Jiaren still knew exactly what he wanted to ask.

"Then why did you leave in the first place?"

Wei Zhe also asked, back then, her cousin also liked her, why did she leave desperately.

"I... have a reason."

Song Jiaren paused, with a bitter smile on her lips, but this kind of smile didn't reach her eyes.

With white clothes and black hair, and such a pitiful expression on his face, Wei Zhe also felt his heart was broken.

Like many years ago, he still couldn't completely let go of his heart.

"But, he's married, and they're fine."

Wei Zhe also frowned.

How did he see Di Yao's treatment of Mucheng, how harmonious their relationship was, and that kind of wonderful and sweet atmosphere, no one could get into it.

"I know! I just want to see his happiness."

Song Jiaren smiled, then calmed down, as if she didn't mind at all.

"Come on, cheers!"

Seeing her like this, Wei Zhe immediately felt relieved and raised his wine glass.

The two cups collided with each other, making a crisp, crisp sound.

The next day was sunny and cloudless.

Mucheng wore the same old-fashioned clothes as usual, and went to the company with her eyes on.

Sitting in her seat, she used the webpage to browse the shows launched by major media.

In fact, it is better to go to the local area to see this kind of show.
However, Di Yao would definitely not want her to go.

So I can only browse the web in silence.

In the silent office, there was sudden bursts of noise.

This is not quite the same as the usual noise, with a kind of noise, but also with a kind of fanaticism.

She turned her eyes to the door in amazement, only to see a person walking in like the stars holding the moon in front of the door.

It's Song Jiaren! !
Mucheng had searched for her on the website, so she could see her clearly at a glance.

For normal celebrities, what you see on the web is different from what you see on TV, and what you see in real life is different.

TV webpages or magazines are all beautified by a lot of PS. What's more, some celebrities dare not post photos without PS pictures.

But Song Jiaren in front of her was truly a peerless beauty, not to mention any PS effects, Mucheng felt that her beauty had been lost by those cameras.

(End of this chapter)

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