Chapter 198

The reporter continued to ask the question again.

"Before I carefully looked at Miss Song Jiaren's information. Although I haven't met her in person, I also observed that Miss Song Jiaren likes to wear white clothes, and I feel that she has a kind of immortal temperament, so I have this The creative concept, the theme of the design is called "Ink and Wash Beauty."

"Then, Ms. Mu, what do you think about being selected as a fresh graduate?"

Another reporter asked.

"Although I'm just a newcomer, obviously I'm not favored by others, but I have my own ideas and enthusiasm for design, so I'm sure of my design, and I also believe that Miss Song Jiaren didn't Pick the right person."

When she said these words, bursts of color burst out on her ordinary face, making people think that she was the superstar that elder brother was looking forward to.

Another reporter was asking Mucheng some questions.

Mucheng also answered one by one.

Song Jiaren, a superstar who has always been admired by all the stars, was ignored at this time.

Her back was very straight, sitting there, her whole body was still beautiful like a painting.

The questions asked by the reporters were very decent, Mucheng's answers were entertaining, and everyone was very happy.

So much so that after a press conference was over, some reporters realized that they seemed to have forgotten Song Jiaren just now, which was also very strange.

For a beauty like Song Jiaren, even if you sit there and don't speak, you won't be able to move your eyes.

But just now, that little designer didn't look good, but her delicate voice, tone of voice, and content of conversation made people feel comfortable.

Unknowingly, I forgot everything.

"That... we seem to be disrespecting Ms. Song Jiaren a little today, are you okay?"

A reporter packed up his things and asked.

"No! Miss Song Jiaren is famous for her good temper!"

A reporter responded.

"That's right, besides, Miss Song Jiaren asked us to ask."

Another reporter said, but after they asked a question, they thought Miss Mu's words were very interesting.

"Yes, yes."

The crowd agreed.

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to that beauty in ink painting appearing soon."

"Me too!"

The female reporters are also eager to try.

"Heh, let's forget about it, everyone said it was built after Miss Song Jiaren's temperament. You are all as rough as men, so don't be greedy."

The male reporters joked one after another.

A press conference ended successfully.

In the office, Mucheng opened her design draft.

Song Jiaren was sitting beside her, with a smile on her lips, and a hint of gentleness in her eyes.

Sitting next to her, Mucheng suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body. If she was a man, it would be nothing if she was looked at by a woman like that.

But...she's a woman...a woman...

What's more, there are only two women in this office.

Wait, she remembered that Song Jiaren entered the entertainment circle these years, but she was clean, and there was no scandal about her.

Could it be... She actually likes women.

But in the blink of an eye, Mucheng saw her honor in the water glass again.

(End of this chapter)

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