Chapter 201 You are great

"What? Do you think what I said is wrong? Am I not as good as that Mucheng?"

She looked at the assistant coldly, her cold tone was like an ice pick.

"No... not..."

The assistant was taken aback by her sudden change.

"Don't forget, your parents still need your high salary to support them."

After Song Jiaren finished speaking, she touched her delicate fingernails.

The expression on his face returned to normal, and he went straight out.

The assistant was still standing there dumbfounded, covering his face.

That was Song Jiaren just now, the one who brought her out of the slums.

Song Jiaren, who has always had a good temper, has been with her for five years?

For five years, her temper has always been so good, and she just hit herself.

The assistant slowly let go of his hand, and his reflection could be seen on the glass.

On the fair cheeks, five finger prints were also very clear.

A panic suddenly arose in her heart, and she felt that Song Jiaren was terrible.

But on the one hand, she didn't dare to think that way, after all, she had helped herself so many times.

She must be suffering. The assistant's broken heart kept thinking of excuses for Song Jiaren.

Mucheng read the design manuscript again, and really felt that her design was pretty good, but she didn't want to wear this design for Song Jiaren.

She returned to the office. The people inside were still busy working, but no one came out to say anything.

In fact, my popularity is very poor.

She handed in the design draft, and then someone would rush to work overnight, and Song Jiaren would be able to wear a skirt at the press conference tomorrow.

Mucheng sat in her seat, playing with a pen in boredom.

Suddenly on the computer, QQ is jumping up.

It's Zuo Yueran.

Zuo Yueran: "Congratulations to Designer Mu!!"

Mu Orange: "..."

Zuo Yueran: "Yesterday Li Fan proposed to me!"

Mucheng: "(≧▽≦)/, congratulations, are you married with a son?"

The news had just been sent out, and there was a smile on the corner of Mucheng's mouth.

Zuo Yueran: "Oh my god, did Di Yao tell you that, Li Fan's big mouth."

Obviously, Mu Chengmeng was right.

Mucheng: "Hahaha, I'm talking nonsense."

Zuo Yueran: "Hmph, then I will leave my wedding dress and evening dress to you. By the way, there are also couple outfits for honeymoon."

Mu Orange: "..."

Mu Orange: "Do you really believe me?"

Zuo Yueran: "...That's right, you also know that I don't like this, I'm too lazy to go out and choose clothes."

Mucheng was originally full of excitement, but when she saw this sentence, she was completely defeated, and Zuo Yueran had stabbed her in the heart.

This guy is so ruthless!

Zuo Yueran: "Actually, at the wedding, wearing the clothes designed by my good friend, isn't it very happy? You and Di Yao are so happy, and we will be as happy as you."

Mucheng: "You guys will be happy."

When Mucheng saw her say this, a smile filled her lips.

They will be happy, and all people will be happy.

Zuo Yueran: "Then it's settled, let's make an appointment to meet later."

Mu Orange: "O(∩_∩)O okay."

After turning off QQ, Mucheng put on the earphones with a smile, and began to write and draw on the drawing paper.

For Zuo Yueran's wedding, she is a neat woman, so she can design a wedding dress with a short front and a long back.

(End of this chapter)

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