Chapter 247 So rich?

Mucheng smiled and pointed at Qingzhi.

The waitress took a deep breath and smiled at Qingzhi, "Or, let's pay the money to Miss Qingzhi."

"It's double!"

Before Qingzhi could speak, Mucheng stretched out her finger again.

"Why is it double??"

The waitress is really going to blow her hair out, didn't she just say she wanted to ask Qingzhi?

What do you mean by coming out and interjecting now? ?
Also, why double, you can't be so black-hearted.

"You can't give the dress that Qingzhi will wear tomorrow. They are going out to find a nice dress. Don't they want to waste money?"

As Mucheng said, she looked at the waitress with contempt, as if she was an idiot.

The waitress was panting for a while when she saw it, it was really too much, isn't it?

"Don't give it?"

Mucheng took out her phone and shook it a few times in front of her!

The waitress gritted her teeth and immediately nodded the deal.

They took out the money and gave it to Qingzhi, and Mucheng also deleted the photo in front of them.

Qingzhi followed Mucheng out.

The two walked for a while without a word, and then Qing Zhi said a word.

"Actually, the money doesn't matter. I gave them the photos. It's really..."

Qingzhi's little face was still flushed with anger, she was really a little aggrieved.

"I have those photos! I took them before and passed them on to others!"

Mu Cheng smiled slyly, and after the photo was taken, she passed it to Di Yao to ask him to thoroughly investigate the relationship with this store.

"That's good!"

At this moment, there was a smile on Qingzhi's face.

"After the photos were exposed, they stole their money again. It feels so good. Let's go have a big meal?"

Qingzhi held up the wad of money, and looked at Mucheng's eyes, which shone with crystal light.

"But don't you want to buy new clothes?"

Mucheng asked suspiciously.

"Where can I buy it now, eat first and then worry about clothes."

Qing Zhi shook her head, a trace of boredom flashed in her eyes, and then disappeared.

Seeing her like this, Mucheng had a smile on her lips.

The two were on the top floor of the shopping mall, an expensive western restaurant, ordered the top steak and red wine, smelled the fragrance of flowers, and enjoyed the blue sky and white clouds in the afternoon.

"It's so full!"

After Qingzhi finished eating, she threw away the knife and fork, and lay down on the sofa, without any image at all.

Mucheng looked at her and lay down too. Their eyes met and they smiled at each other again.

"I have a dress, do you want to wear it?"

Seeing her like this, Mucheng decided to help her.


Qingzhi looked at her suspiciously.

"I designed it myself. I originally planned to attend a friend's wedding. It's cherry blossom pink, but my size is slightly different from yours. If you don't mind, come home with me and modify it?"

Mucheng looked at her with a smile, a little bit of starlight flickered in her pitch-black eyes.


Qingzhi nodded, since she couldn't find any clothes now, she just wore one casually.

Immediately, Mucheng called the driver to come pick her up, and the two drank another cup of coffee in the western restaurant. When the driver came, the two went down and got into the car.

Qing Zhi sat on that Malasate, and was immediately terrified.

She glanced at Mucheng cautiously, and saw that the clothes she was wearing were very simple, even a little rustic.

But she didn't expect that she was so rich.

A bit rustic?
It will be on the shelves today, um... There should be a lot of updates, whether it is double or triple or quadruple as usual, all need your enthusiasm to support, give me votes, give me comments, okay!The subsequent episodes are guaranteed to be even more exciting!
(End of this chapter)

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