Chapter 249 Screen CP
I think they are the CP of the screen, but in real life, they should be a couple.

"Oh fine!"

Xiaoxue suddenly became frustrated and slumped her shoulders.

"Miss Qingzhi, don't pay attention to her, she is mentally handicapped!"

Xiaoju took a cup of rose tea and delivered it to Qingzhi.

Qingzhi smiled, looking at Xiaoxue's appearance, she really thought it was very funny.

"I need to think about it, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Holding the photo album, Xiaoxue walked back to her room dejectedly.

Qingzhi: "..."

"Miss Qingzhi, don't mind, she flirts with you every day. At this time, she suddenly knows the truth, tears are about to fall, let her immerse herself, it will be fine."

Xiaoju explained.

"Haha... Got it!"

When Qing Zhi heard Xiao Ju's explanation, she immediately laughed out of joy.

Originally, because of the dirty things I encountered in that shop, my mood fell to the bottom.

Then I met Mucheng, and everything seemed to become clearer.

She thinks that Mucheng is like a gentle wind blowing away that dark cloud.

Then the golden sun, the bright light, all flowed down.

Qingzhi drank a cup of tea downstairs, and chatted with Xiaoju for a while. At this time, Mucheng called upstairs, asking Xiaoju to send Qingzhi to her design studio.

"Miss Qingzhi, come with me!"

Xiaoju led the way and walked upstairs.

Because the design office is on the second floor, the two of them walked up the stairs.

When she reached the rotating place, Qingzhi suddenly stopped and looked at the several paintings hanging there.

"this is……"

She looked at the name signed by Di Yao, and a white light flickered in her mind, Di Yao Mucheng, that is not from the Imperial Group...

"Yes, this is drawn by our young master and young mistress."

Xiao Ju and You Rongyan, every time someone comes, she proudly shows the paintings here.

"Then Mucheng is..."

Qingzhi covered her mouth in disbelief!


Xiaoju knew what she had guessed and nodded.

Since the young mistress brought her back, she didn't hide anything from her.

Knowing this secret, Qing Zhi still couldn't believe it.

The steps she continued to follow Xiaoju up were trembling slightly, my God!

It turns out that this Mucheng is that Mucheng.

However, apart from being surprised, I was also very moved.

She said it like that, so she didn't have many secrets from her.

Qingzhi felt warm in her heart, and it felt really good to be trusted so much.

She followed Xiaoju to the door of Mucheng's design studio, and saw a sign hanging on the door.

It is in the shape of a sunflower. On the sign, there is nothing but dM inlaid with shiny crystals.

It should be the letters of Di Yao and Mucheng's surnames!
Xiaoju pushed open the door and asked Qingzhi to go in.

Qing Zhi smiled at her, and walked in.

As soon as she entered, she didn't feel that it was a design studio at all, it looked like a warm little room, every decoration was so interesting.

If you really want to find a place to show that this is a design studio, there are some mannequins and sewing machines.

And the model of the dummy is a specially made sd doll. The skin looks like a real person. On the other side, there are many hairs for you to choose from.

(End of this chapter)

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