Chapter 252 Charity Gala
"I'm going to a charity gala tomorrow."

Di Yao put down the tableware in his hand and took a sip of water.

"Okay. But I don't have any skirts to wear."

"Didn't you design a skirt full of cherry blossoms for yourself before, just wear that!"

Di Yao continued to drink water.

"That was given away!"

Mucheng lowered her head and ate the noodles.


"I'll wear the ones at home! They are delivered every season, but I'm afraid of bumping into my shirt."

Mucheng put down the fork in her hand, feeling a little headache.

"Then you wear a specially tailored version."

"Hmm! My A Yao is so smart!"

Mucheng immediately hugged him again, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Is that a reward?"

Di Yao hugged him by the waist, and Mucheng quickly wrapped his arms around his neck.


Mucheng looked at her with charming eyes, and her ruddy lips were slightly parted, as if silently inviting her.
City C, every June there will be a charity gala.

This charity gala, is a very powerful gala, he included a lot.

For example, some social elites, some powerful and wealthy people, took out an item and put it up for auction.

Proceeds from the auction will go to charities.

In addition, this charity gala will invite many celebrities to appear on the red carpet. Generally, tickets are required to enter the scene. These tickets are also one of the sources of donations.

In addition, at the end of the charity gala, a spokesperson will be selected, that is, a charity ambassador.

Therefore, the stars who are selected every year will be hugely popular.

However, this year there was no suspense, because with Song Jiaren, there was no doubt about her.

Soon it was night, Mucheng was wearing a long purple dress, and Di Yao was also coordinating with her, wearing a purple shirt under a black suit.

Both of them are good-looking people, coupled with God Yao's identity, just stepped on the red carpet, and for a while, the flashing lights kept shining.

The red carpet was actually not very long, but there were reporters along the way asking for photos, so it took the two of them more than ten minutes to walk over.

Walking into the venue, found a seat and sat down, and soon Li Fan and Zuo Yueran also sat down beside them.

Once Mucheng and Zuo Yueran sat together, they chatted countless things.

After more than half an hour, finally, the venue was full of people.

The auction has started.

The one who presided over the auction was a director of the charitable organization.

Standing on the high platform with a red face in suits and leather shoes, he said loudly: "First of all, welcome ladies and gentlemen to come and sing, the first item to be auctioned is the sapphire necklace that Princess Marseille once wore that Ms. Mu Cheng brought out! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman in a red cheongsam walked over with the necklace box in her hand.

The box was placed on a crystal plate and the box was opened.

The necklace inside is very simple, just a silver chain with a large blue gemstone hanging from it.

The sapphire is in the shape of a flower, and the details of the necklace are displayed clearly on the big screen behind it.

Gemstones are blue like the sea, blue like the blue sky, and blue like people's melancholy eyes.

This necklace, not only blue gems, is amazing.

Among them, the story about the necklace is even more memorable and enviable.

(End of this chapter)

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