Chapter 259 Shameless Plagiarism Dog

"First of all, I would like to thank my designer, Mucheng. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have transformed from a young girl to this. Thank you!"

After finishing speaking, Qingzhi bowed deeply towards Mucheng's direction.

There was an uproar.

Although I said just now that I look up to Song Jiaren, my senior, I have a lot of respect.

But he didn't have this kind of respect from the bottom of his heart for Mucheng.

You know, Qing Zhi is going through today's night, and the status of tomorrow can be imagined.

But she still treats Mucheng like this... Obviously, Mucheng's position in her heart is very important and very big.

Mucheng sat leaning against Di Yao, with a slight smile on her lips.

Although she was forced to the edge of a cliff today, seeing that Qing Zhi can get these things, she is also happy for her from the bottom of my heart.

Afterwards, Qing Zhi said some official words, because she looks pure and sweet, and the dress she wears is not very beautiful, so people are willing to focus on her.

"Let's go!"

Di Yao whispered in Mucheng's ear.

Mucheng bid farewell to Zuo Yueran and the others, with a hint of apology in her eyes.

It's still unavoidable, because I was targeted by others, and I was insulted by others.

For the young mistress of the dignified Li family, her engagement dress is the same as that of a third-rate porn star. This is really a humiliation, and she will be laughed at.

Zuo Yueran didn't speak, but blinked at Mucheng.

The lips moved slightly, it was the word "Come on".

Mucheng looked at her, feeling relieved.

Her hand was tightly held by Di Yao, and she walked out through a VIP passage under the protection of many bodyguards.

When the passage goes out, there is a driver driving the car, waiting there.

There was still a meter away. At this time, a large group of people swarmed over from one side, with angry expressions on their faces.

"Shameless plagiarism dog!"

As he said that, a cup of hot milk tea was thrown towards Mucheng, and the bodyguards around him quickly blocked it.

But even so, there were still a drop or two of milk tea splashed on Mucheng's face.


"A plagiarism dog who bullies others!"

"The mistress who snatched someone's husband!"

In an instant, bursts of cursing voices swept over the sky and covered the earth.

Mucheng felt as if she had fallen into a whirlpool, sinking deeply, unable to extricate herself.

Following the sound of angry scolding, one after another, things also smashed over.

Potato chips, drinks, biscuits, fruit, ice cream...

Mucheng remained motionless, as if her entire soul was no longer here.

"Stop them!"

Di Yao did not expect that so many people would still be here.

He roared angrily, and walked forward with Mucheng in his arms.

When they got to the car door, someone immediately opened the car door for them.

After entering the car, the car started immediately.

Gradually, those cursing, those noisy, were left behind.

Although there are so many security guards and so many bodyguards protecting them, many dirty things were thrown on the two of them.

On Mucheng's hair, there were still some melted strawberry ice cream.

But she still sat there indifferently.

Di Yao took out a wet tissue from one side, and wiped it carefully on her hair.

His face was gloomy, and there seemed to be a beast in his eyes.

If it comes out, it is bound to cost people their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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