Chapter 261 A Different Feeling

Di Yao responded, but did not open his eyes.

"Sleep your sister, wake up!"

As she said that, Mucheng held onto Di Yao's face and gnawed on his lips.

On such a night, it started to heat up again.

The next day, Mucheng went downstairs with her waist supported. The President was too aggressive yesterday, she couldn't bear it.

As soon as she walked into the living room, she saw Xiaoxue hiding something furtively.

"Xiaoxue, bring it here??"

Although she hid quickly, Mucheng still saw clearly.

She sat on the sofa and waved to Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue had a hundred thousand reluctances, but she still walked to Mucheng's side slowly.

"Young Mistress, these are all fake."

Xiaoxue put the stack of newspapers in her hand on the coffee table.

Holding Mucheng in her hand, she just glanced at it casually, and sure enough, the headlines of the major newspapers were all about the incident last night.

The snowflakes are all plagiarized by Mucheng, and Mucheng is the mistress.

I had predicted everything. The charity party yesterday was broadcast live.

Even if Di Yao used his power to suppress, he still couldn't block Yoyo's mouth.

It might as well be like this.

Mucheng threw away the newspaper in her hand and turned on the TV.

Holding a cup of fragrant latte, watching the entertainment gossip.

Ink painting beauty, Song Jiaren.

Hehe, the name of her clothes design has become her appellation.

The female anchor, speaking affectionately, Song Jiaren's love history like a blank sheet of paper.

On that blank sheet of paper, only Di Yao had a dot.

On the TV, photos of Song Jiaren and Di Yao's youthful days were playing.

The two looked so sweet, they were like a match made in heaven, but later they got involved by themselves.

What's even more ridiculous is that it turned out to be an image of me wearing old-fashioned clothes and makeup in order not to be noticed by the company's people.

Comparing this kind of image with Song Jiaren's, it's like nothing.

Probably the general public who didn't know the truth felt that Di Yao was actually blind.

"Miss Song Jiaren, you have endured so much, but you still want to love like this. Such a noble person, yet you want to love so humblely..."

The host was still talking enthusiastically, but the TV was turned off.

Mucheng raised her head and looked at Di Yao, who also looked at her.

The two of them just watched quietly for a while.

"Change clothes, let's go out!"

He looked at her naturally, not disturbed by the news at all.


Mucheng nodded, stretched out her hand, the two held hands, and went upstairs.

After changing their clothes, the two went out together again.

The car drove outside the villa and was surrounded by many reporters.

Fortunately, there were many bodyguards clearing the way, but they walked out smoothly.

The car stopped at the Imperial Hotel. Under the escort of the hotel staff and a large group of bodyguards, a large group of people walked forward in a mighty manner.

It was the lobby where the two of them opened the reporter meeting before.

Inside the hall, it was already dark and full of people.

Seeing the two people come in, not a single reporter dared to stand up and take pictures, but sat there silently.

Mucheng followed Di Yao and sat down, their hands were always held together.

Looking at the dense crowd of reporters under the stage, every pair of eyes was staring at them.

Mucheng suddenly felt very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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