Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 267: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 267: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

When she came out, she looked like a seductive enchantress.

When Song Jiaren stood with her, it looked a bit like porridge.

"Miss Beauty."

Lisa came to her side.

Song Jiaren's jealous eyes paused on her chest, and she smiled coldly.

Went straight out.

Probably out of fear of scandal, he didn't call the driver. Song Jiaren sat in the back while Lisa drove the car.

The car got out of the villa and quickly drove towards the main road on one side.

Wei Zheye, who stayed on the side, originally wanted to see Song Jiaren's beautiful figure in the window, but he didn't expect that there would be a car driving out, and it was the car Song Jiaren didn't often drive.

She has basically never driven this car, and she bought it for her by herself. She usually only drives it for very private things.

What is she doing out at this time? ?

There was a look of doubt on his face.

Didn't she say that she was very tired and was going to sleep?Why are you still going out now?
Isn't it her?
Although there were many doubts in his heart, Wei Zhe stepped on the accelerator and followed him up.

He followed him all the way to the front of the Huangting Hotel, looked inside the car, and two hot-dressed women came out.

Looking at the figure, Wei Zhe also recognized a Song Jiaren, although she was very strange with heavy makeup;

The other one is a foreign girl, she looks like Lisa next to Song Jiaren.

Wei Zhe also wondered for a while, why the two of them changed into this way at night and came to the hotel.

When the two of them walked into the hotel, Wei Zhe got out of the car and walked in.

When he entered, the two of them had already boarded the elevator, and Wei Zhe also watched their elevator stop on the 63rd floor. At this time, he was just about to press the elevator to enter.

The elevator on one side opened, and a woman walked out quickly.

Knocking down Wei Zheye, she apologized without saying a word, and then continued to walk forward quickly.

Wei Zhe also touched the arm that was knocked down, wondering about Song Jiaren's affairs in his heart, and naturally ignored these trivial matters.

He was just about to step into the elevator when he saw a lot of people running out of the elevator next door, all of them surrounded the girl in front of him.

Seeing such a situation, Wei Zhe also stopped.

He knew the girl surrounded in the middle, she was Qing Zhi, the head of the hot young girl, and she was on the pages of all major newspapers.

"What are you doing, I'm calling the police!"

Qingzhi bit her lower lip, her tone was very hard, but her eyes were flustered.

Although I came to the lobby of Huangting Hotel, there were still a few people walking around here.

But people looked at it indifferently, as if it had nothing to do with them.

She knew that even so, no one would care about it.

"Miss Qingzhi, is our young master waiting for you up there? If I were you, I would go up and serve our young master well."

The leader, a sloppy man, looked at Qing Zhi with a smile.

"Dream, I won't go."

Qingzhi snorted coldly.

She secretly hated that her manager company had allowed her to have such a meal.

While explaining to her over and over again, she is the image of a jade girl and cannot do anything.

And then I'm still working out these things for myself.

"You don't eat the toast, you eat the fine wine!"

That person sneered a few times, and ordered the younger brothers around him to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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