Chapter 278 Want to Hide Her

Are all men like this?
At the beginning, when I said I love you, I was like a dog, wandering around all the time.

Say change of heart, just like that.

Really, it's disgusting.

Qingzhi and Mucheng are all robbing the person who loves her.

She, Song Jiaren, would never let them go.

Song Jiaren's eyes narrowed, and there was a burst of coolness.

Wei Zhe was also very happy to embrace the beauty back, and Mucheng also went home contentedly.

As soon as he returned to Mingshan Villa, he saw that Di Yao had just returned home.

As the sun was setting, Di Yao stood in the distance, just quietly waiting for Mucheng.

There was a hint of a smile on Mucheng's lips, and she walked slowly towards Di Yao.

Although, there is only a few tens of meters between the two of them.

Mucheng, however, felt that she felt that sense of happiness in the tens of meters she was walking.

There is a person, just watching, just waiting.

It's really a beautiful thing!

Mucheng walked to Di Yao's side, and immediately hugged him with both hands.

Di Yao held Mucheng in his arms, and kissed her on the forehead.

"You look very happy today, what are you happy about?"

Di Yao hugged her and asked aloud.

"Wei Zhe is also with Qingzhi."

I don't know why, but she will be very happy to see her friends around her so nice.

It's just that Su Ning is still fighting with Yin Xiaze until now, and she doesn't know what will happen to the two of them.

And An Yinian, she also hoped that he would be very, very good.


Di Yao looked surprised.

He has always known that Wei Zhe also likes Song Jiaren, after all many years have passed.

Song Jiaren has never expressed that he is also worried about his cousin.

At this time, he actually has another girlfriend, which is really a good thing.

"Of course it's true!"

Mucheng nodded, but she was deeply afraid that he would not believe her, so she nodded heavily again.

"That's fine!"

Di Yao nodded, and then the two walked towards the house together.

"what's for dinner?"

While Mucheng was happy, she asked about the really big thing.

Eating or something is really important.

What to eat in the morning, what to eat at noon, what to eat at night.

"Didn't you invite Zhou Yijun, an old artist with both virtue and skill, to have dinner together?"

Di Yao asked aloud.

"Ah! I forgot!"

Mucheng patted her head repeatedly, she forgot about going out to play today.

"Then will you accompany me?"

Mucheng looked at the time, and it was still in time.

"She just invited you, go by yourself!"

Di Yao pushed her in.

"Then I'm going to change clothes!"

After Mucheng finished speaking, she waved at him.

She went to the cloakroom. In the past, she specially went shopping for some vintage dresses, but now she can take them out and wear them.

Mucheng found out a long skirt and small leather shoes with round toes, and went downstairs.

She had long black hair, which had been taken care of by the crew before, so she didn't do anything at this time.

As soon as she went downstairs, she saw Di Yao sitting in front of the sofa reading a book.

"Chengcheng, you look so good today!"

Di Yao praised her sincerely. Looking at it this way, he even had an urge to hide her.

"I look good every day!"

Mucheng pretended to be proud and nodded.

"I'm leaving!"

"I'll take you there!"

Di Yao put away the book in his hand, stood up, and took Mucheng's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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