Chapter 284 Take a Sip First

"What's wrong, Orange!?"

Di Yao asked aloud.

As soon as I saw her frown, I really wanted to smooth it out quickly.

"A Yao, look at the drink in this cup, it's disgusting."

Mucheng stretched out her slender fingers and pointed to the inside of the cup.

Di Yao followed and looked over, this drink is the signboard of this store.

Anyone who wants to come wants to have a drink.

Moreover, this kind of drink is not sold here, and only guests who come to eat will get a free drink when they come for the first time.

So, really, you can only drink it once.

He had heard from Li Fan that the name of this drink was the anticipation of the night rose.

However, in a glass, the scarlet liquid seemed a bit thick.

It feels shockingly brighter than fresh blood.

"well enough!"

Di Yao said so.

"Then take a sip and see what it tastes like?"

Mucheng urged him to drink and watch.

Di Yao: "..."

Why, he saw some excitement in Mucheng's eyes.


Mucheng pushed the glass of drink in front of him.

Di Yao picked it up expressionlessly and took a sip.

The surface is thick, but in fact, it is very slippery when you drink it.

The taste is nothing but sweet and sour, until it is completely swallowed, there is still a hint of saltiness.

It makes people feel endless aftertaste, and I am a little reluctant to let it go.

After taking a sip, he gracefully held a handkerchief on one side and wiped his lips.

"how is it going?"

With something more curious, I will not be afraid at this time.

Mucheng excitedly asked about Di Yao's first sense.

"Yes, you should like it."

Di Yao signaled that she could have a drink, because usually, she likes to drink these sweet and sour things the most.


Seeing that Di Yao had already drunk it, Mucheng wanted to give it a try.

She picked it up and took a small sip.

It seemed that she was a little scared, her eyes flickered a little, when she drank, she first stuck out her tongue, licked it, and then took another sip.

Di Yao couldn't help but find it funny when he saw how she was touching her face so cautiously, and when he looked again, she stuck out her pink lilac tongue.

I felt that my heart was agitated, and I couldn't help thinking about it, thinking a little too much.

After tasting the taste for the first time, Mucheng liked to drink it even more. After taking another big sip, she raised her head and looked at Di Yao with a sweet smile.

"Ah Yao, this is really delicious!?


Seeing her innocent and ignorant expression, Di Yao's eyes darkened, and his throat was also slightly hoarse.

Suddenly, he held Mucheng's shoulders with both hands.


Mucheng looked at him suspiciously, a little puzzled.

Di Yao slowly approached her, his breath getting closer and closer.

Mucheng blushed a little, but she didn't avoid it, "There are a lot of people here, so it's not good!"

While speaking, Di Yao's face was pressed down, he stuck out his tongue to her lips, and licked her.

Immediately, another smile appeared.

"It's really delicious!"

Also specially ordered to eat.

Mucheng's face was already blushing with embarrassment, but now she was even more flushed.

Seeing her expression, Di Yao smiled slightly, and then let her go.

At this time, the waiters dressed as vampires also brought over the meals one by one.

Main course for two, one is steak and the other is pasta.

(End of this chapter)

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