Chapter 303 What Are You Crying For

The slapping sound is really nice!

Song Jiaren's expression did not change, she looked at Mo Xiaotian, and found that she no longer looked at herself.

"Then I'm leaving, Tiantian, you have a good rest!"

With a smile on her lips, she greeted Mo Xiaotian again.

But Mo Xiaotian closed her eyes and let the nurse play with her hands, she didn't intend to open her eyes at all.

Facing her impoliteness, Song Jiaren didn't have a trace of embarrassment on her face.

She smiled again, turned around and left. She didn't lower her head until she stood in the elevator, her face sinking like water.

damn it.

Such an easy-to-use chess piece slipped through his fingers.

Song Jia secretly hated her in her heart.

Just for a while, the corners of her lips were stained with a smile.

As long as Mucheng doesn't wake up, it will be fine.

A vegetative person, she has not put it in the eyes yet.

Mucheng was about to die, and she didn't pay attention to other people even more.

The elevator reached the first floor of the parking lot. Song Jiaren took out her sunglasses from her bag, put them on her eyes, and headed into a car waiting for her.

Lisa started the car as soon as she got on it, and within a short while, the car had already left the hospital parking lot.

In short, this trip to the hospital, even though he lost a chess piece, at least he got to know Mucheng's information, and Song Jiaren felt it was worth it.

Inside Mo Xiaotian's ward.

"Grandma, I'm sorry!"

Mo Xiaotian pursed her lips, and it took a long time before she apologized.

"Tiantian, you are a lucky child!"

Zhou Yijun sighed, lovingly stroking the top of Mo Xiaotian's head.


Mo Xiaotian seemed to understand the meaning of Zhou Yijun's words.

Is it because of these things that have made me understand the rivalry! ?

No longer being regarded as a blind person, it's just that I am ridiculous. I have liked an idol for a lifetime, but I never thought that she would be such a person.

Seeing Mo Xiaotian's tightly frowning brows, Zhou Yijun couldn't help laughing, and guessed what she was thinking.

"Fool, everyone has a time when they are young and ignorant, but in the future, no matter what you do, you have to think about whether it is right or wrong, and don't hurt people who really treat you well..."

After Zhou Yijun said this, a trace of sadness flashed across his eyes.

"Yes, Grandma!"

Mo Xiaotian nodded repeatedly, but she didn't notice Zhou Yijun's strangeness.

Neither of them spoke, and gradually fell silent.

In Mucheng's ward, many people came at once.

With tears in his eyes, Zuo Yueran said a lot to Mucheng.

A good person, and said that she will design the menu for her wedding.

We were chatting hotly on QQ yesterday, and then such a big thing happened.

"Chengcheng, there are still so many things you promised me that you haven't done. How do you want me to get married? If you don't wake up, I won't get married, woo woo woo—"

As Zuo Yueran spoke, he burst into tears.

Li Fan also had a headache on the side.

It seemed that when Di Yao lost his wife, he would lose his wife too.

In an instant, I also felt very sad.

Sitting on the sofa, Di Yao quietly watched everything in front of him, and looked at Mucheng still lying on the bed, motionless.

His eyes were secretive, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

The door opened and closed again, and Sikong Ye led Sikong Che in.

"Auntie, why are you crying! Auntie will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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