Chapter 306

He just looked at her with gentle eyes.

The door was pushed open again.

Di Yao raised his eyes and saw Di Fan Shen walking in.

"Chengcheng woke up?"

he asks.

Although I got the news just now, at this time, it is better to get confirmation.


Di Yao nodded, then asked again, "Grandpa, how is the investigation going?"

"The line was broken. The person who did the work was very vigilant, and the person who did the trick was a decoration worker. It happened that an accident happened accidentally in the morning, and the line was cut off."

Di Fanshen walked to the sofa and sat down.

Di Yao's eyes darkened a bit.

"Ah Yao, who do you think did it?"

Di Fan asked aloud.

"Although there is no clear evidence, I would rather kill a hundred by mistake than let one go!"

Di Yao's eyes suddenly became much deeper.

Mucheng's side is very simple, and there is no one who has any suspicions against her.

The only one is Song Jiaren.

And because of her own relationship, Song Jiaren...

"A Yao, have you ever hated me?"

Di Fan Shen asked suddenly.

"Why does Grandpa ask that?"

Di Yao was surprised.

"After all, I drove away Song Jiaren!"

Di Fan looked at him deeply and smiled.

"I didn't hate it. I didn't know about this matter before. When I found out later, I already had Mucheng, so I didn't feel anything in my heart."

Di Yao spoke truthfully.

Hearing what Di Yao said, Di Fan Shen nodded happily.

"Although I don't like Song Jiaren being with you, I will respect you, so I tested Song Jiaren. At that time... I asked her to leave you. As long as she leaves you, I will let her family's business, more Going up to the next level, let her go abroad to develop smoothly, she agreed! Seeing her agree, I feel distressed, but also feel very lucky. It is a good thing for such a girl to leave you!"

After hearing Di Fanshen's words, Di Yao was stunned.

She has always heard Song Jiaren's lies. She said that her grandfather used her family members to persecute her, but it turned out not to be the case.

She was just jealous of the favors given by her grandpa.

She has always been a very ambitious woman, and she is sure of herself.

She felt that even if she left, her love for him would be unswerving until death.

"What's wrong??"

Di Fan looked at him slightly in a daze.

"She always said that it was grandpa who threatened her to leave."

Di Yao smiled, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"I threatened her to leave. Since she said so, wouldn't it be a bit bad if she didn't follow through?"

Di Fanshen also smiled.

Because of her health, Mucheng stayed in the hospital for a long time.

On this day, Di Yao had a video conference in the study on the side, while Mu Orange was still lying on the bed bored.

She looked at the manga in her hand, and at this moment, she realized that there was a figure flashing by in front of the door.

She raised her head and looked towards the door, but there was no one there.

Just a little shadow under the door.

There was a hint of a smile on her lips.

"I've seen your shadow!"

she said.

The shadow trembled slightly, and the last pink figure walked in from the outside.

It's Mo Xiaotian.

She just stood in front of the door, with her head slightly lowered, unable to see the expression on her face, but her hands were stirring the corners of her clothes, as if she had something bothering her.

"Come in!"

Mucheng shouted, this little girl is really interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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