Chapter 321 Swimsuit Party
The two walked into a clean room.

Qingzhi took out an item from her handbag, took a picture around the room, and then safely began to take off her wet clothes.

"What is that?"

Seeing her undressing, Mucheng also began to undress together.

"To see if there is a pinhole camera."

Qingzhi took off her clothes, picked up the evening dress on the side, and put it on.

She sat down in front of the sofa and saw a tablet on the coffee table that displayed swimwear.

"Everything here is quite new!"

Qingzhi's eyes lit up, and she found a swimsuit with a pink flower and a backless inside.

"Orange, you choose!"

At this time, Mucheng also changed her clothes and sat down beside her.

Mucheng took a look, and casually chose a low-key black bikini and a white sunscreen shirt on the first page.

The two sat inside and chatted for a while, and after a while, someone knocked on the door.

Someone brought in that swimsuit.

The two changed into swimsuits.

"Let's put these mobile phones here, it's not fun to hold them in the city later!"

As Qingzhi said, she took the mobile phone and called Wei Zheye a message, then threw it in the cabinet beside her.

Seeing this, Mucheng also felt that the level of privacy and confidentiality here was acceptable, so she was able to lock everything in the cabinet on the side.

Because the doors here are all fingerprinted, except after leaving, they are washed off again.

When they first entered, their fingerprints had already been recorded.

The two walked out again, and at this time there was already a swimsuit party outside.

As soon as Mucheng and Qingzhi went out, they were enthusiastically called to play a round of small games.

We are all young people, we just danced together, now we are playing together.

Besides, Mucheng and Qingzhi discovered that this place was very different from what they had imagined.

They played a small game, and they lost this round, so they drank a glass of wine together.

Qingzhi and the others picked it up and drank it.

Mucheng's wine glass had just been held in her hand, and before she could send it to her mouth, it was bumped by a young model on the side and spilled.


The person who knocked her down just snorted coldly and didn't say anything.

Mucheng was thrown aside without saying a word, and she dragged Qingzhi to a side chair and lay down.

There is still the sound of carnival in my ears. In fact, it’s not bad to play like this once in a while.

Qing Zhi was probably a little fuzzy, she squinted her eyes and stopped talking as she lay there.

Mucheng also closed her eyes slightly, and the water in the fountain fell on her face, bringing a trace of ice coldness.

It feels very comfortable.

Mucheng closed her eyes and rested for a while, feeling that her throat was a little dry, she sat up straight, and went to the side to get some juice to drink.

The sweet fruit juice flowed in the throat, which made me feel extremely refreshed.

Her eyes flowed around.

Suddenly, in the crowd, I saw a familiar figure.

She wore a white bikini, her long black hair was coiled on top of her head, revealing her slender, white neck.

Song Jiaren! !

Mucheng was surprised for a while, how could she meet her here!
When she was surprised, Song Jia in the crowd smiled meaningfully at her.

She raised the wine glass in her hand, and took another sip in a coquettish way.

(End of this chapter)

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