Chapter 335 Strawberry Pudding
Delicious barbecue is nothing more than a good sauce for the barbecue, or the heat of the barbecue must be mastered well.

Her family's A Yao just roasted the meat, and the heat can be considered very good.

Although there is still room for improvement, the sauce is well adjusted, so his barbecue is still a plus.

"Well, I saw that you were very happy to eat, so I went to buy the formula."

Di Yao also took a bite, and seemed to speak indifferently.

In fact, seeing Mucheng's pleasantly surprised appearance, his heart was already full of joy.


Mucheng continued to eat, she didn't ask Di Yao how much to buy a recipe, she knew it must be very expensive.

Of course, how much money is not worth a few dollars to Di Yao.

But... she knew, his heart.

At that time, seeing that he liked it, he bought it and made it for himself.

A person who is willing to pay attention to you and do something for you, even if it is a very simple thing, is an expression of love for you.

Mucheng lowered her head and ate the barbecue, her heart was filled with emotion.

After eating a full meal, the two of them held hands together and walked on the beach.

Occasionally, I will meet one or two lovers, they just hold hands and take a walk.

Suddenly, I heard an exclamation from the front.

"There is a meteor shower!"

Mucheng looked towards the sky, and saw bright traces streaking across the sky.

meteor shower!Amazingly beautiful.

Mucheng clasped her hands together and began to make a wish.

I hope that everyone around me can be happy.

Thank God for allowing me to meet Di Yao!
Mucheng put down her hand, looked up at Di Yao, he just put down his hand at this moment, obviously, he was also making a wish just now.

"What wish did you just make!"

Mucheng looked at him and asked aloud.


Di Yao smiled, "Secret!"

Mucheng snorted coldly, and stopped talking, the two stood by the seaside, watching this beautiful meteor shower.

Because of the meteor shower, more and more people gathered at the beach.

Mu Cheng and Di Yao stood for a while, then drove home.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and they returned to Mingshan Villa, which was still brightly lit.

When the two walked in hand in hand, Li Yan came out to welcome them.

She pulled Mucheng over from Di Yao's hand.

"Chengcheng, where have you been? Mom has been calling you all day, but no one answered."

As Li Yan said, she glanced at Di Yao.

"Going out today, I forgot to bring my mobile phone!"

Mucheng smiled, looking at her mother's expression at this time was also very funny.

"Mom made some snacks, would you like to have some?"

Li Yan held Mucheng's hand and walked towards the restaurant.

Mucheng was already full after eating, but now she couldn't eat any more.

But that's what my mother made.

She took a step forward and went sweetly.

Mom made strawberry pudding, which was made with strawberry juice and garnished with fresh strawberries.

"It looks good."

Mucheng liked it very much, and she knew that her mother was very caring.

After making it, Mucheng took a spoon and started to eat.

Li Yan looked at Mucheng eating happily and smiling beautifully.

"Mom, what's wrong with your hand!"

Mucheng reached out and grabbed her hand.

"It's okay, just a little wound!"

Li Yan waved her hand with a look of indifference.

"Is it because of cutting strawberries?"

(End of this chapter)

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