Chapter 341 She's Not Crazy

"Hurry up and go to sleep!!"

Mucheng looked at her phone, it was past eight o'clock local time, and it was past twelve o'clock in his place.

He can go to bed too.

"Aren't you waiting for a certain idiot!"

Di Yao quickly replied.

When Mucheng saw this sentence, she immediately laughed.

"Hey-hey, don't you need to be so disrespectful to your opponent!"

Li Yan's whole body is not well.

Every step I take, I have to think for a long time.

She deeply felt a trace of sadness.


Mucheng stared at her with wide eyes.

"Okay, okay, you continue!"

As soon as Li Yan saw her pitiful little eyes, she waved her hands, and continued to look at the black and white pieces on the chessboard, feeling troubled.

The maids who were waiting on the side looked at it, and they were all shocked.

She has always been a good and serious lady, but she has such a naughty side, and she is still so cute.

They haven't even seen it, okay?
The butler who walked over quickly also saw it.

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

"Ma'am, I found the young master and young lady."

The housekeeper stood there respectfully, bowed and said to Li Yan.

"where are they!?"

Li Yan played chess and continued to ask.

"Yes...Miss Hannah, the Chinese boy I like came to Dubai, and Miss Hannah took Master Hao to intercept him."

The butler lowered his head, and his face looked a little ugly.

Sure enough, in the next second, Li Yan, who was still smiling and playing chess, changed her expression.

She vigorously threw the chess piece in her hand into the chess box on the side.

With a snap, Mucheng also looked at her in surprise.

"I've already said that I will pick up Chengcheng back today, so let's just go out by herself, and take Hao out, what do you mean!?"

Li Yan's face was full of anger, and she pinched the chess piece with her fingers, exerting a little force.


Mucheng shouted hastily.

"I'm sorry, Chengcheng, I scared you!"

Li Yan quickly returned to normal and apologized to Mucheng.

"It's okay, mom, you don't have to hold back your true feelings for me."

Mucheng continued talking.

"Although my mother has always been fierce, she won't be fierce for no reason!"

Li Yan laughed again immediately, isn't she crazy, okay?
Mucheng also laughed.

The housekeeper and maids on one side looked at each other in blank dismay. It was really strange to see the madam's expression suddenly changed.

Mucheng continued to send messages while playing chess with Li Yan.

After a while, Di Yao went to sleep.

Mucheng began to play chess with Li Yan wholeheartedly.

Li Yan was immediately overwhelmed, she felt that she was defeated.

At this time, Su Nian'an came down from upstairs.

As soon as she saw Su Nian'an, Li Yan seemed to have seen a savior.

"Husband, come and help!"

Li Yan stood up and waved again and again.

Seeing Li Yan's expression, Su Nian'an couldn't help laughing.

How many years has it been since I saw this look on my wife's face.

Under Li Yan's expectation, Su Nian'an sat beside her and started to help her play chess.

The trend was quickly reversed.

Fighting with Mucheng on the chessboard, Mucheng just stopped chatting with Di Yao.

Meeting Su Nian'an immediately aroused her determination to win.

"You said you let Wuzi go at the beginning!?"

Su Nian'an couldn't help laughing when he heard what Li Yan said.

(End of this chapter)

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