Chapter 343 There is always a way out

Although, he really wanted to chat with this sister who just arrived.

But after all, Su Ning is my sister who I have known since I was a child and grew up together.

She is so kind to herself.

Now is such a sensitive time, let's catch up and have a look!

Li Yan pinched the center of her eyebrows helplessly, but she never thought that the first meeting today would have such a result.


Mucheng shook her head.

"Mom, I want to rest!"

She said it again.

"Take the eldest lady to her room to rest!"

Li Yan said to the maid on the side.


The maid led Mucheng upstairs.

After Mucheng went in, she let the maid go down, but she still didn't quite get used to the life of the maid.

Close the door, the room is very big.

It is the kind of European pastoral style, very refreshing, with a gorgeous, but floral pastoral style.

The floor was covered with a soft carpet, and Mu Cheng took off her shoes.

This time, I didn't bring a suitcase at all. My mother said that I have everything.

Mucheng pushed open the cloakroom, it was very big, not too different from that of the Emperor's family, and a lot of clothes were in a sweet style.

Mucheng thought about it, Su Ning's previous dressing style, it seems that her mother has wanted a sweet daughter for a long time.

In the closet, she found a floral pajamas. She just lay on the bed after taking a shower, but she still couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Originally, when I came back to Ji's house and met my parents' adopted daughter, it was already very embarrassing, not to mention that adopted daughter was still my friend.

Still rolling around on the bed, finally, she sat up again.

At this moment, I miss Di Yao so much.

She took out her mobile phone and silently sent Di Yao a message.

"A Yao, the girl my parents adopted turned out to be Mucheng!"

However, Mucheng had just sent the message, but she didn't wait for Di Yaohui to reply to her.

As soon as she put down the phone, there was a smart sound.

The phone received the message again.

She picked up the still bright phone again.

"What a coincidence!"

"Why are you still here!?"

Just after Mucheng said the surprised words, she received a call from Di Yao.


As soon as she heard Di Yao's voice, Mucheng suddenly felt warm in her heart.

"A Yao!"

The soft voice made Di Yao feel his heart soften for a while.

"Why are you still here!"

Mucheng asked him again, didn't he go to bed just now?
"I was afraid that you would find me, so I turned up my voice very loudly."

Di Yao spoke slowly, listening to his voice, Mucheng's originally lofty heart also slowly let go.


Mucheng responded.

"Chengcheng, don't think wildly, just let nature take its course and follow your heart!"

Di Yao consoled.

He knows that Mucheng has one bad thing, that is, he can't have anything in his heart, as long as he has a little worry, he will feel uncomfortable.

And he was no longer by her side, so Di Yao could only persuade her like this.

"Oh, I see!"

Mu Orange nodded.

It's useless to think too right now.

"Chengcheng, I'm in a bad mood anyway, so I'll come back. I miss your parents in the future, so I can let them come over."

Di Yao said again.


Mucheng nodded again, and suddenly felt that she had Di Yao, that is, she was willful, and she was not afraid of anything.

Anyway, I always have a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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