Chapter 349

"Why are you crying?"

He took out the handkerchief and wiped it gently on her cheeks. His eyes were affectionate and deep, like a starry sky that people couldn't see through.

It seems that Mucheng is a rare treasure.

Mucheng just let him wipe it. Suddenly, she was frightened again and hid behind.

An Yinian's hand holding the handkerchief just hung in the air.

There was no embarrassment on his face, he withdrew his hand slightly, and put the handkerchief back into his pocket.

"I didn't expect that we would meet here!"

There was a gentle smile on the corner of An Yinian's mouth, and Mucheng couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

There is a kind of person who will give you a kind of peace of mind, a kind of indifference all the time.

"Yes, so, I am very happy!"

Mucheng laughed from the bottom of her heart, she was here in Dubai and saw his happy smile.

"Take you out for a walk?"

An Yinian asked aloud.


Mucheng nodded. She was about to go in and talk to Li Yan, but she found that Li Yan was already standing by the door.

She smiled and waved her hand.

Mucheng also waved her hand, and followed An Yinian out.

After getting into An Yinian's car, An Yinian drove towards the outside of the villa.

"It seems that you live very well here."

Mucheng looked at him, the expression on his face was always that calm.


An Yinian smiled slightly.


Mucheng responded and stopped talking.

"Chengcheng, we are just good friends now, I am very happy to see you happy."

An Yinian held the steering wheel with both hands and spoke calmly.

His tone was very light, as light as a gust of wind, and then drifted away without a trace.

"Thank you!"

Mucheng didn't know what to say, but silently thanked her.

The car quickly stopped at a beach, the wind was very strong at the beach, and there were not many people.

Some vaguely, lying on the beach, there are a few useful people.

An Yinian and Mucheng got off the car.

The wind was so strong that Mucheng's hair was blown up.

The hem of the skirt also flew up, facing the direction of the wind, she closed her eyes slightly.

In the breath, is the taste of the salty sea breeze.

The feeling here is really good.

The heart also sank down, no longer thinking about those worrying things.

An Yinian stood by her side without saying a word, looking at Mucheng's frown that had been tightly furrowed, he slowly relaxed it.

The smile on his lips also slowly stretched.

Like flowers blooming in midsummer.

On the quiet beach, there was a sudden noise.

Mucheng opened her eyes, and a man walked slowly on the beach.

Suddenly, a group of women surrounded him.

All of them are gorgeous, and the swimsuits on their bodies are basically the same as if they were not wearing them.

Yin Xiaze, that ethereal and charming man like a goblin.

"An Yinian!"

Mucheng suddenly spoke again.


An Yinian looked at her puzzled.

"Look, when Yin Xiaze appeared, he attracted so many girls. You are not as attractive as him!"

Mucheng joked.

An Yinian also nodded in agreement.

Seeing that he had actually acquiesced, Mucheng pouted and didn't say anything more.

As soon as Yin Xiaze stood on the beach, he saw Mucheng and An Yinian from a distance. He put his hand slightly to his lips, telling the anxious and screaming girls around him to stop arguing.

(End of this chapter)

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