Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 380 The Most Beautiful Starry Sky

Chapter 380 The Most Beautiful Starry Sky
As soon as he walked out of the tent, he was stunned by the vast sky in front of him.

A large expanse of sky is full of tiny stars, each of which is sparkling.

Dazzling eyes.

This is the gift of nature!
The starry sky in the desert should be the most beautiful.

Su Cheng walked out of the camp, looked at the small sand dunes in the distance, and suddenly wanted to climb up.

She took off her shoes and ran towards the small sand dune there step by step.

Climb to the top of the small sand dune, stand tall and see far, the starry sky must be more beautiful.

Just as Su Cheng stood under the small sand dune, Su Ning also came out of the tent.

Although he really wanted to be by Yin Xiaze's side, Yin Xiaze would ignore her when he repeatedly talked about things with Di Yao.

She sat there like an idiot.

Su Ning looked at the starry sky.

The stars are everywhere, and her mood is also better.

Her eyes suddenly turned to one side, Su Cheng was running towards a small sand dune.

Su Ning opened her mouth, she really wanted to stop her.

Suddenly, she tightly closed her mouth again.

The small sand dunes here are easy to collapse. Every day, the wind blows the sand, so there is a small sand dune. Maybe, if the wind is stronger, that small sand dune will collapse.

She often comes to the desert, so she won't play in these places.

Su Cheng, however, was still enjoying herself and quickly moved towards the sand dunes, impacting,

Finally she stood on top of the sand dunes, she really stood tall and could see far.

"so beautiful!"

Su Cheng couldn't help shouting, looking at this bright starry sky, such a vast starry sky, suddenly, he felt that his heart had become extremely magnanimous.

It's so beautiful!

Su Cheng can only use such simple words to explain the beautiful scenery he saw. You cannot describe the truly beautiful scenery with words.

Here it is.

Su Cheng stood barefoot on the sand dune, looking up at the starry sky.

In the sky, the full moon, with its silvery brilliance, shone down.

"Chengcheng, why did you go up there!"

Di Yao was worried about Su Cheng, so he also walked out of the camp.

As soon as she saw Su Cheng climbed onto the small sand dune, she hurriedly ran to her side.

"Come down quickly!!"

Di Yao stood under the sand dunes and shouted.

In fact, he wanted to go up by himself and fish her down.

But on the one hand, he was afraid that his own weight would make Su Cheng fall down faster, and the small sand dune would collapse.

"what's wrong!"

On the one hand, Su Cheng was very puzzled why Di Yao acted in such a hurry.

But he still sat on the sand dune and slid down from a height.

She slid all the way to Di Yao's, and Di Yao grabbed her immediately.

With the help of Di Yao's strength, Su Cheng stood up from the ground.

Just when she stood up, the small sand dune she was standing on collapsed just like that.

Su Cheng was dumbfounded for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, she clapped her hands and laughed.

Hearing her joyful laughter, Di Yao's face turned dark.

There is even a face here to smile.

"Ah Yao, do you think I'm lucky? The moment I got down, it collapsed."

Di Yao, who wanted to get angry at first, lost all anger when he heard Su Cheng say that.

His orange is an optimistic person.

Or, it is a woman with big breasts and no brains!

(End of this chapter)

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