Chapter 386 he left

Su Cheng knew that he rarely smoked.

"A Yao, what's wrong with you!"

Su Cheng sat down beside him.

Di Yao didn't raise his head, but Su Cheng felt a deep drive away from him, and felt his heartache.

Di Yao lowered his head, his body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of black smoke.

Su Cheng sat beside him, and once again felt that she couldn't touch him.

She really wanted to get close, but she couldn't get close to him.

"I'm going home first."

Di Yao stood up suddenly, walked to the cloakroom, and started to pack the suitcase.

"A Yao, what are you doing!?"

Su Cheng's face was inexplicable, and he didn't do anything, why did he suddenly look like this?

Di Yao still didn't say a word, he packed the suitcase and went out with the suitcase.

Su Cheng bit her lower lip, looking at Di Yao's indifferent back.

Obviously everything was fine just now, they had a sweet breakfast together, looked at the photo album happily, and looked at the past of grandma and grandpa.

Why suddenly, he was so indifferent again.

Just when Di Yao's hand was about to touch the doorknob, Su Cheng jumped up to him.

Her hands are opened.

Water-colored eyes stared at him.

"What's wrong with you, tell me clearly, or you won't be allowed to leave."

Su Cheng looked at him stubbornly, she was trying hard to hold back, not letting her tears flow down.

Di Yao still lowered his head, his eyelashes were slightly drawn, and so folded, his eyes were particularly narrow and long.

The two confronted each other for a long time, and Su Cheng's open arms became a little stiff.

Di Yao's hand, which was not holding the suitcase, tightened suddenly.

On the back of the hand, veins appeared.

He can't stay here any longer, he can't.

Suddenly, he raised his head.

Su Cheng fell into his eyes at a glance. His eyes were still so deep, but at this time they were full of hatred.

As soon as Su Cheng met his eyes, she was slightly dazed, and just as she was dazed, Di Yao stretched out his hand and pushed her away.

Su Cheng didn't notice, and fell to the ground.

"A Yao!"

Su Cheng fell to the ground, and she called out to Di Yao in disbelief.

Di Yao's hand holding the doorknob froze slightly.

He paused for a few seconds, then finally opened the door and left.

The door was empty and dangling.

Su Cheng half fell to the ground, her eyes filled with tears, she couldn't help but flow down at this moment.

"Orange orange..."

Li Yan's anxious voice came from outside the door, as if she wanted to ask Su Cheng something.

However, when Li Yan came in and saw Su Cheng lying on the ground with tears streaming down her face, Li Yan was shattered.

"What's wrong, orange!"

Li Yan helped her up.


Su Cheng followed her hand, stood up, but lay on her body, lost her body and cried bitterly.

"Hey, don't cry!"

Li Yan reached out and patted her on the back, her eyes full of worry.

On the one hand, I also hated Di Yao in my heart.

Her little baby, she couldn't bear to shout loudly, she cried just being bullied by Di Yao.

"What happened??"

Finally, when Su Cheng stopped crying, Li Yan asked.

"I don't know either, he... didn't say anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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