Chapter 417 Will You Blame Me?

"Orange, my baby!"

Li Yan's tears were still flowing.

Everyone, looking at her appearance at this time, couldn't help being moved.

"Master Di, Song Jiaren has escaped!!"

At this time, the bodyguard came in from the outside and reported.

Originally, it was difficult to determine who was on both sides. Now that the one on this side is already known to be the wife, then the one on the other side must be a fake.


Everyone was terrified. After all, Song Jiaren is such a perverted person and has a strong hatred for Su Cheng. If such a person stays outside, it is really like a dagger in the dark, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. horrible.

"Go find it!"

Di Yao said in a cold voice.

"People from the Su family, go find them together!"

Su Nian'an quickly gave another order.

In an instant, all the bodyguards protecting him left.

In a dark place downstairs in the hospital, Song Jiaren had already changed into a nurse's clothes.

She wore a black-rimmed short-sighted glasses on her face, and she had some freckles on her face, which made her look different from before.

She looked at the ward where she lived before, the cloth strips hanging from the second floor, hanging there leisurely.

Su Cheng woke up...

Damn it, although I wholeheartedly want Su Cheng to die, but if I stay in the green hills, I don’t have to worry about no firewood. If Su Cheng didn’t wake up, those people wouldn’t all run over in a hurry, otherwise I wouldn’t have a chance to escape. .

Song Jiaren supported the mirror frame and walked towards the door of the hospital.

She will still appear.

In the luxurious private hospital, the bodyguards in black running around, the nurse's uniform worn by Song Jiaren, on the contrary, stood out the most.

The bodyguards in black glanced at her, then hurriedly looked away, and finally continued to search.

Because Su Cheng was fine, after waking up in the hospital, he went back home.

As soon as I went home, I felt a heavy atmosphere in the house.

In a huge hall, Dong Shuhan was the only one sitting on the sofa.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Li Yan walked over and looked at Dong Shuhan with a strange expression.

"I just told Hannah to leave!"

Dong Shuhan looked at her and spoke slowly.


Li Yan couldn't believe it.

After she did that kind of thing, Song Jiaren ran away again, and Mom actually let Hannah leave.

"If I don't let her go, what will you do!?"

Dong Shuhan said these words slowly, and beckoned to let Su Cheng come to her.

Because of Dong Shuhan's words, Li Yan fell into deep thought.

If she doesn't leave, what will she do.

She should not be forgiven for doing those heinous wrong things. It seems that there is no punishment other than driving her out of the house.

Although she had wolfish ambitions, they couldn't do such an ugly thing to a child who had been brought up since childhood.

Li Yan thought about it, and sat down somewhat dejectedly.

"Chengcheng, would you blame grandma?"

Dong Shuhan stretched out her hand and touched the top of Su Cheng's head.

"will not!"

Su Cheng shook his head.

For Su Ning, she actually had unspeakable emotions.

She said that she hated herself for appearing in her life and disturbing everything about her.

Perhaps, when she was Mucheng, they could be good friends who love sisters.

When she was Su Cheng, they could also be a stranger.

Because of Su Ning's matter, everyone fell into silence again.

(End of this chapter)

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