Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 427 The Weird Marriage Proposal 3

Chapter 427 The Weird Marriage Proposal 3
Qingzhi spoke softly.


This is a promise, promise?
Wei Zhe was also ecstatic, and put the ring on Qingzhi's finger.

"Peng Peng—"

The sound of fireworks bursts.

Di Yao and others came out from other rooms one after another.

"You are here too!"

Seeing such a large group of people at this time, Qingzhi suddenly became a little uneasy.

Then everything about me just now was clearly seen.

She couldn't help covering her face, it was really embarrassing.

"Ha ha……"

But Zuo Yueran did not let go of this good opportunity.

"Tetsuya's marriage proposal just now is considered a thriller!"


Everyone laughed in unison.

Wei Zhe was also very distressed. He was tired of using many ways of proposing marriage. He also wanted to think of a novel way.

Who knows, in the end, instead of novelty, it became terrifying.

Could it be that Qingqing's appearance just now was because her marriage proposal was too scary.

"Okay, let's eat cake!"

Su Cheng stood beside the cake and waved.

"Please cut the cake first, both of you."

Su Cheng handed the handle of the knife tied with a bow to Qingzhi.

Wei Zhe also held Qingzhi's hand, and cut the happy and sweet cake,
Everyone picked up the champagne and ate the cake one after another.

The piano music streamed out, and the fireworks outside the floor-to-ceiling windows were still bursting out in the air.

This is a sweet marriage proposal.

In the middle of the night, Di Yao and Su Cheng returned home.

Di Yao went straight to the study. After Su Cheng took a shower, Di Yao hadn't come back yet, so Su Cheng went to look for him.

When I walked to the door of the study, the door was not closed tightly, and there was a tiny gap.

Su Cheng heard Di Yao's phone call inside.

She was just about to push the door, but when she heard Song Jiaren's name, her hand stopped slightly.

"Have you found Song Jiaren yet?"

Di Yao's voice became lower and lower, as if he became more excited because he couldn't find it.

"Then keep looking, and don't let Song Jiaren enter!!"

Di Yao hung up the phone and could not help pinching his brows.

Song Jiaren was becoming more and more terrifying.

The things he does are getting more and more crazy.

No, let her hurt Chengcheng.

Although, not allowing entry, this is just tasteless, and it doesn't even have any effect.

But...prevention before it happens...

"A Yao!"

At this time, Su Cheng opened the door and walked in.

"go to sleep!"

Su Cheng walked to his side and hugged Di Yao's waist.

"it is good!"

Di Yao kissed her on the forehead, took her hand, and went back to the room.

Walking back to his room, Su Cheng asked again.

"Hao didn't even come back. I didn't see him when I went to his room just now. It's so late now, and I didn't call."

"It's okay, he lives in the school now."

Di Yao said lightly.

"What? Living on campus?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised, why did she live on campus?
"He studied at Vig College, it would be better to live on campus!"

Di Yao walked into the bathroom.

Hearing what Di Yao said, Su Cheng didn't say anything anymore.

Wiger Academy is the best in C City, and even the best in the country.

Although it is an aristocratic academy, some children with excellent character and learning can still enter.

Therefore, generally the poor students who come out of Vig College will have a very good future.

(End of this chapter)

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