Chapter 439 Is She a Servant?

Then he filled a bowl and came out.

"Xiaoxiao, go and ask grandpa to come down and drink soup, okay?"

Su Cheng looked at her and asked.


Tang Xiao nodded.

Turning around just now, the expression on his face was a bit ugly.

She's not a servant, why do you want her to do these things, she really depends on others!

Tang Xiao felt even more uncomfortable in his heart.

However, she adjusted her mood and went upstairs, helping Di Fanshen to go downstairs.

After these days of recuperation, the plaster cast on Di Fanshen's leg has been removed. Although he can't walk, being supported by others is not too uncomfortable.

Di Fanshen was very happy.

During this period of time, although Tang Xiao lived here, he didn't seem like a family.

At this point it looks really good.

Di Fan smiled deeply and nodded.

When he got downstairs, just as he sat down, Su Cheng handed the soup into his hand.

"Grandpa, drink the soup quickly."

Su Cheng cooks soup for him in different ways every day. During this period of time, his face is full of red.

Ordinary people would have vomited from the soup long ago, but the soup made by Su Cheng is delicious, and every kind of soup is very innovative.

Di Fanshen held the spoon, took a few sips, and then put it down again.

"Grandpa, let me play chess with you!"

Su Cheng asked Xiaoju to take out the chessboard.

"Xiaoxiao, do you want to watch?"

Su Cheng looked at her with a smile.

"Yes, yes!"

Although Tang Xiao looked at that Go game very strangely, but Sister You said that she should get along well with Su Cheng, so she restrained her temper and sat down to watch them play chess.

People who like to play chess are naturally fighting and having fun.

No, and I don't like it, just looking at Baizi and Heizi, I feel very boring, very boring.

In this room, Di Fanshen and Su Cheng played chess happily, but Tang Xiao fell asleep again and again.

"Xiaoxiao, do you want to go to the movies?"

Su Cheng looked at Tang Xiao and yawned twenty times.

"OK, all right!"

Tang Xiao nodded, and didn't refuse anymore, and took the elevator directly upstairs.

When she walked into the movie studio, her eyes lit up. When she first went upstairs, Xiaoxue said something very simple. Actually, she came in and took a look. It was really enviable.

These, she never had before.

Sitting down on the chair, he casually found a movie and started watching it.

After a while, Xiaoxue came up with a tray.

Topped with freshly squeezed juice and popcorn.

"Thank you!"

Tang Xiao felt a little embarrassed.

"Miss, take it easy!"

Xiaoxue went down with the tray.

"So comfortable!"

Tang Xiao lay there and stretched his body.

After spending a few days at the Emperor's house comfortably, Emperor Fan Shen decided to send Tang Xiao to the Noble Academy.

Tang Xiao also deeply felt that being at home was very boring.

So she agreed, only Song Jiaren was worried secretly.

If Tang Xiao left, there was no one to act as a stepping stone, how could she get revenge, not to mention, if Tang Xiao was allowed to go to this school, she would definitely change.

In the future, I will definitely not let myself use it.

Song Jiaren felt deeply uneasy.

After all, Tang Xiao has been playing for a few days. He went to a girls' school in England before, and the whole school was like a monastery, which was very boring.

She has already checked on the Internet, the school here is very interesting, there are many things she has never seen before.

So, she is also very excited.

At noon that day, Song Jiaren finally thought of a brilliant idea, so she knocked on Tang Xiao's door.

(End of this chapter)

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