Chapter 446 Are you leaving?

Di Yao kissed her eyes again, watching her cry, his heart was throbbing with pain.

It seemed that there was an invisible hand tearing hard.

"Chengcheng, we will have another child!"

Di Yao whispered softly in her ear.

Although the doctor told him that there is only a [-]% chance of getting pregnant.

Ten percent, as long as they take good care of their bodies, they can have their own baby.


Su Cheng nodded, then she raised her head again, "A Yao, do you blame me?"

After she finished asking, she bit her lower lip a little anxiously.

"Why, I'm blaming myself."

Di Yao closed his eyes slightly, and kept saying that he should take good care of her so that she wouldn't get hurt.

But she was still hurting again and again, feeling uncomfortable again and again, and crying again and again.

I really am a terrible man.


"Ah Yao, let's stop blaming ourselves, let's take care of ourselves and have many babies in the future!"

Su Cheng kissed him on the face again.

All of her Emperor Yao looked very high-spirited, and she didn't like to see him so depressed.

She wants him to be nice, and they are all nice.

"it is good!"

Di Yao nodded.

All well, well.

In Di Yao's arms, Su Cheng began to calm down, and she was fine.

Smelling the breath on his body, my heart was very peaceful, and after a while, I fell asleep again.

Seeing Su Cheng fell asleep, Di Yao was about to leave.

But just after getting up, Su Cheng's eyes opened again.

"Ah Yao, do you want to leave?"

She just looked at him with pitiful eyes.

Di Yao's heart was originally sore for a while, but now because of her gaze, it turned into water.

"Don't leave, I'll take off my shoes!"

Di Yao shook his head, sat up straight, took off his shoes, slept on the big bed again, and hugged her with his arms.

Su Cheng hugged Di Yao's waist again, and fell asleep again.

Di Yao chatted away the messy hair on her forehead, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

The corners of Su Cheng's mouth curled up slightly.

Seeing her beautiful sleeping face, Di Yao's heart felt like still water.

It will be a long time in the future, he will protect Chengcheng well and won't make her feel uncomfortable anymore.

A [-]% chance is not without a chance.

They are still young, and the medical skills in the world are so developed now, so it must not matter.

However, this matter must be deeply hidden, and Su Cheng must not be allowed to know, otherwise she will definitely not be able to bear it. At this time, she is relying on her future children to support her.

If she knew this, she would die of pain.

Di Yao's face darkened a bit.

In the evening, when Li Yan brought over the soup again, Su Cheng's expression improved a lot.

Su Nian'an winked at her, signaling her to stop talking.

"Cheng Cheng, drink the soup!"

Li Yan poured a bowl of the soup she made herself, and was about to feed her, but was stopped by Su Cheng.

"No, I just hurt my leg, it's fine!"

Su Cheng took the soup bowl and finished it in one gulp.

"Good job."

Li Yan's eyes were slightly moist, and she took back the bowl.

Seeing that Su Cheng had returned to his previous appearance, he was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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