Chapter 450 Go Tell Her
In a blink of an eye, she sighed again.

"Madam Emperor is also a poor person!"


Tang Xiao nodded again and again. She was originally a child with a pure mind, but seeing Su Cheng like this made her feel even more guilty.

"If it wasn't for... I want to go out, she wouldn't be like this. It's all my fault."

Tang Xiao frowned, tears filled his eyes.

"'s destiny, sometimes it's unavoidable."

Song Jiaren comforted, but she sneered in her heart.

Destiny, I am destiny.

snort! ~
"Then what should Sister Cheng do?"

Tang Xiao's tears were hanging on her eyelashes, she was very cute.

"I think President Di is the saddest person!"

Song Jiaren said something quietly.


Tang Xiao froze for a moment, then raised her head.

"After all, he knows it, but he still pretends not to know anything in front of his wife. How painful it is, not to mention... the emperor's family has been passed down for several generations, if this time..."

Song Jiaren sighed heavily again, unable to continue speaking.


However, Tang Xiao also understood.

That's right, if Sister Cheng couldn't give birth to a baby, there would be no inheritors in the Di family.

Such a perfect person as Di Yao would not have children.

So many people feel sad!

The white lotus in Tang Xiao's heart began to feel compassionate again.

what to do? ?What can she do? ?

"Also... I think Madam, even though I don't know it now, will suffer more and more in the future."

Seeing Tang Xiao's expression, Song Jiaren couldn't help but sniggered.

"Huh? What does that mean!?"

Tang Xiao didn't understand, so she didn't know why she was sad and suffering.

"She thought wholeheartedly that she could have a baby, and then she expected more and more, but in the end, she found that it was just a dream... Tell me, how painful it must be!"

Song Jiaren continued to be persuasive.


Hearing what she said, Tang Xiao's eyes widened.

Yes, sister You is right.

"Then... what should we do?"

Tang Xiao racked his brains, but still couldn't think of anything.

"I think it's better to let Madam know about this matter first. After all, it's the worst thing for her to hide it."

Song Jiaren pondered for a while before speaking softly.

"tell her??"

Tang Xiao was a little startled, they were all hiding it from her, so they wanted to tell it by themselves!
I dare not do this myself.

"Yes, in all fairness, is this fair to her?"

Song Jiaren looked at her righteously.

Tang Xiao shook his head, this is indeed unfair to Sister You.

Besides, it's because of me that Sister Cheng is like this, I blame myself for everything!

Tang Xiao experienced a struggle in her heart, and finally, she nodded.

"I see, I'll talk about it later."

Even though he said so, Tang Xiao still felt that his heart was like something that was cast, like a thousand catties.

Looking at her expression at this time, Song Jiaren knew that the matter was half done.

After a while.

Tang Xiao left Song Jiaren's ward, she walked outside Su Cheng's ward, stood at the door, and lingered for a while.

Finally, there was a knock on the door.

The door opened, and the person who opened it was Xiaoxue from Mingshan Villa.

"It's Miss Tang!"

Xiaoxue seemed surprised that Tang Xiao would come.

(End of this chapter)

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