Sky-high engagement: Pick up a cute wife and bring it home

Chapter 470 I'm Not Talking About You

Chapter 470 I'm Not Talking About You
Su Cheng took a look, then went directly to the kitchen, as if what happened here had nothing to do with it.

Di Yao felt her leaving, and felt even more angry for a while.

"Grandpa Di is eating out today, Brother Di Yao, what do you want to eat!?"

Tang Xiao asked aloud.

"The kitchen can do it."

Di Yao's eyes kept looking forward, and he didn't care much about Tang Xiao's words.

"Oh, I'm going to help Sister Cheng."

Tang Xiao said, and went to the kitchen.

She's very happy, it's just the beginning, brother Di Yao treats her so well.

Walking into the kitchen, watching Su Cheng cooking, Xiaoxue stood on one side and clapped her hands.

As soon as she saw Tang Xiao coming in, Xiaoxue stood in front of her.

"Miss Tang, the kitchen is very hot and there is oily fumes, it's not suitable for you to come in."

"I want to help Sister Cheng!"

Tang Xiao felt a little uncomfortable, as if he was being targeted.

"You have helped the young mistress too much, you are not needed here!"

Xiaoxue just stood there motionless, she just didn't like to see Tang Xiao's pitiful appearance.

"Sister Orange..."

With tears in Tang Xiao's eyes, he just looked at Su Cheng's back with a pitiful look.


At this moment, Su Cheng put on a plate of dishes before turning around.

Looking at Tang Xiao's eyes filled with tears, she was also helpless.

"Get ready to go out to eat!"

She unbuttoned her apron, turned and walked out.

Tang Xiao followed behind her and walked out.

The servants brought the meals to the table one by one.

Most of the dishes were made by the chef, and Su Cheng made two light dishes.

She asked the servant to put the dishes in front of Di Yao, and began to drink the soup with the soup cup.

Probably because of habit, drinking this soup without drinking it for a meal seems to be missing something.

Di Yao sat down and looked at the dishes in front of him, all of which he liked, and at a glance he knew that Su Cheng made them.

Tang Xiao timidly walked over, she really wanted to sit down on the other side of Di Yao, but Xiaoxue on the other side stared at her covetously.

Finally, Tang Xiao thought about it, and found a place away from Di Yao to sit down.

Just as he sat down, Di Yao spoke.

"Xiaoxiao, sit here! You can't eat it so far away."

"Ah good!"

Tang Xiao was pleasantly surprised for a while, and his face also looked flattered.

Xiaoxue stood aside with an angry look on her face.

Some of the maids gave each of them a knowing look.

Su Cheng was drinking soup, as if she couldn't see or hear anything.

Di Yao used a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of shrimp tofu and put it into Tang Xiao's bowl.

Tang Xiao was still deeply immersed in that ecstasy, but now he was hit like this again, and suddenly felt that he was about to fly with joy.

She didn't even know how to deal with it.

He just lowered his head and ate the food in the bowl.


After Tang Xiao finished eating, he praised him sincerely.

"The cook at home, cooking is getting better and better."

"This is what our young grandma did!!"

When Xiaoxue heard her say that, she was immediately upset. How did she say that?
It's not like we didn't see our young mistress cooking just now, but now I'm saying this, does it mean that our young mistress is a cook?

"Ah...Sister Cheng, I'm not talking about you!?"

Tang Xiao anxiously put down his chopsticks, waved his hands, and repeatedly denied.

(End of this chapter)

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