Chapter 88 What do you want
"What are you crazy about?"

Mucheng couldn't help but feel speechless, she was fine at first.

Why is it like this all of a sudden.

Could it be that he saw himself hugging An Yinian?But he is GAY.

Even if they are not gay, they are only in a contractual relationship, besides, An Yinian has already explained clearly before.

"Why am I crazy? Don't you know?"

Di Yao squinted at her and smiled coldly.

"How would I know!!"

Mucheng was speechless for a while, how could he know what he looked like.

"An Yinian, are you really just a classmate?"

Di Yao asked, his voice was very cold.


Mucheng's eyes dodged, the past was over, she didn't want to talk about it.


Di Yao sneered, this woman.

Before, when she kissed her and wanted her, she always called her by this name.

At this time, he said that he was just a classmate.

"Are you always used to imagining having sex with your classmates?"

Di Yao sneered.

"What do you mean?"

Mucheng stared at him.

"When you were drunk before, you called this name and said something, do you want to hear it?"

With a sarcastic smile on the corner of Di Yao's mouth, he approached her.

Seeing his expression at this time, and hearing his disgusted tone, Mucheng felt pain in her heart.

"I don't listen, I don't listen!"

She covered her ears with her hands, not wanting to hear.

She lowered her head, not wanting to see him either.

I don't know why I feel very ashamed in my heart. After all, he is the person I like in my heart now, and I was like that in front of him before.

All of a sudden, the five flavors are mixed.

Di Yao grabbed her wrist with one hand and pinched her chin with the other, forcing her to look at himself.

There was mist in Mucheng's eyes, and she was about to cry.

"Why do you think of him when you see him??"

Di Yao was burning with anger, thinking of the scene of them embracing each other just now, and thinking of the name she tenderly called out under him before.

Even when he saw her tears, his heart softened a bit, but he was finally covered by anger.

"You let go of me, it hurts!"

Mucheng broke free from his grip on her chin, but she couldn't shake off his clenched wrist.

"Tell me, do you miss him very much?"

Di Yao asked again.

"I just wonder what's wrong with him. What does it have to do with you? We are just a contractual relationship. After one year, we have nothing."

Mucheng shook off his control vigorously, and yelled at him loudly.

Why did he say that about her? It's not her who, at best, he can only be regarded as her boss.

Hearing what she said, Di Yao laughed instead.

"Is it all right?"

He said coldly, word by word.

He approached her, Mucheng couldn't retreat, and sat on the sofa.

Looking at him with cold eyes.

He is so scary and strange now.

He was the same man again, he was not the him she knew.

Mucheng put her hands on the sofa and stepped back.

But the sofa is so big, there is no way to retreat.

Di Yao pressed down and rested his hands on the edge of her neck.

"Between you and me, only I have the final say." His voice was cold, his eyes were sharp, like a demon from hell.

"The contract is void."

Following these words, his hand reached out to Mucheng's neckline.

"What are you doing?"

Mucheng covered her neckline with both hands, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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