when we are in love

Chapter 112 The Call of Death

Chapter 112 The Call of Death

"Xiao Jiang! Xiao Jiang!"

Jiang Muxin didn't know where his thoughts were drifting at the moment, but he mechanically pressed the copy button in his hand.

Lucy was so angry that she rolled her eyes up to the sky, but she didn't respond to this call, and slapped her on the back violently.

"Ah!" Jiang Muxin, who felt the pain, came back to his senses at this moment, "What's wrong, Sister Lucy?"

"Look for yourself!" Lucy pointed to the printer in front of her angrily.

The printer in front of her, because she kept pressing the copy button, has copied dozens of documents that only needed to be copied ten times, leaving paper all over the floor.

"Sorry, I'll clean up right away."

"Fortunately, we are a big company, and we don't care about such a small amount of paper, but you have made mistakes more than once today. If you feel uncomfortable, go back and rest."

"I'm fine. I don't need to rest. I'll clean up right away so there won't be any mistakes. I'm sorry, Miss Lucy." Jiang Muxin apologized and cleaned up the mess.

Seeing her sincerity, Lucy endured her words and waved her hand annoyedly, "Forget it, clean it up first. In your current state, you don't need to attend the meeting later."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Lucy."

When Lucy left, Jiang Muxin sat back on the chair with the paper in her hand, what was she doing? !

She guessed for a long time what those two text messages were about, but she still had no idea.

That night, when she got home, she called Qiao Xu, but the phone was always unanswered. Why?
She can only find the answer by herself. If she asks Gu Mingcheng, he will only give an ambiguous answer, or lie to her again.

why?He obviously still has contact with Qiao Xu, or Qiao Xu went back to Switzerland alone this time and drugged her, Gu Mingcheng actually knew about it!

Jiang Muxin didn't dare to think about it anymore, she was afraid that the more she guessed, the more confused her mind would become.

One day she got off work in a daze, but she found that she didn't know where to go.

Why is her life full of lies, why God made such a big joke on her when she chose to start a new life, why should she know this, why!
The phone was buzzing in the bag, and the sound really annoyed her, but when she looked at the screen, it turned out to be Qiao Xu's sister.

"Hello, Qiao Yang."

On the other side, only Qiao Yang's miserable cry could be heard, and Jiang Muxin's eyebrows jumped violently, "What's the matter, why are you crying?"

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu he"

Suddenly she felt that her whole heart was being pulled and hurt, "What's wrong with him?"

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu is dead!"

All of a sudden, she felt the blood being drawn out of her body, and she felt cold all over, "Impossible, you are lying to me, this is impossible!"

"I didn't lie to you. I called you. I just wanted to ask you. Didn't he agree to go back to Switzerland for treatment? Why did the police in Switzerland contact me and say that he died alone in the rental house!" Qiao Yang The voice sounded full of anger.

Obviously they said that the arrangement will be very good, as long as Qiao Xu undergoes surgery, he will definitely recover, but why did he die!

"You liars, murderers! Xiao Xu was killed by you!"

"No, it's impossible, it must not be true!" Suddenly, she felt her world was spinning and her world collapsed.

"Someone has passed out, come quickly."

"How are you awake?"

"Call 120 quickly and take him to the hospital."

There was a lot of voices on the street, and Jiang Mu felt groggy that he should have been sent to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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