when we are in love

Chapter 115 Why You Just Don't Understand

Chapter 115 Why You Just Don't Understand

"Xinxin?" Gu Mingcheng wondered if he heard it wrong.

"Do you think I've changed, I'm no longer the Jiang Muxin you can control with one hand?" She was aggressive, God knows how much courage it takes to hate him like this.

control?This word made Gu Mingcheng very uncomfortable, he never thought of controlling her life.

"Have you encountered troubles at work? You have to speak out when you are unhappy, otherwise holding it in is not good for your health." However, Gu Mingcheng reacted slowly when facing her, and did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Gu Mingcheng, please don't be so gentle to me, it will only make me feel that I will live in deception forever." He is the father of the child in her womb, if there is no Qiao Xu, they must be very good, but what she wants is not him Give a life of lies.

cheat?Could it be that she couldn't see the sincerity he had given for so many years?
"What happened to you today?" Gu Mingcheng finally realized that something was wrong with her.

"Actually, you are the one who has really changed. You should know why I am not good."

Gu Mingcheng's eyes flickered, "Xinxin, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Don't understand? Now, you still want to lie to me! That's your high school classmate, your classmate for three years, don't you know what I'm talking about?! I'm talking about Qiao Xu, do you know I'm talking about Qiao Xu Xu, Qiao Xu is dead!" There was a slight pain in her lower abdomen, remembering the doctor's warning, she tried her best to adjust her breathing, and sat down on the sofa.

Her emotions seemed to affect the child in her stomach.

In order to prevent Gu Mingcheng from noticing the strangeness, she sat on her side, holding her bag in front of her.

"You..." Qiao Xu's death was indeed too sudden, he had clearly promised to meet. . .However, according to news from Switzerland, the police have also confirmed that his body is already on its way back to the country.

This incident caught him off guard, but after what happened last time, Gu Mingcheng didn't plan to hide it from her anymore. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, but he never thought that she already knew, and now she still talks to him in such a questioning tone say.

"Yes! I know, I know he is dead, but before he died, he sent you a message. What are you trying to hide from me? He died, does it have something to do with you!" The domineering look is no longer there.

"You read the text message and deleted it." Gu Mingcheng finally knew why her attitude changed suddenly.

"Yes, I gave you a chance at that time, but at that time, you chose to hide it." Although her behavior of deleting text messages was very bad, she just wanted to know why she was hiding it from her.

"If I say that Qiao Xu's death has nothing to do with me, would you believe me?"

When Gu Mingcheng said so, Jiang Muxin believed him. As long as he said that Qiao Xu's death had nothing to do with him, it must have nothing to do with him. "Then tell me, what does your text message mean?"

"You just need to know that I haven't harmed Qiao Xu. As for that text message, you don't need to know what it is." Qiao Xu, Qiao Xu, or Qiao Xu, Gu Mingcheng also became annoyed hearing it.

"You still have to hide it from me!" Tears welled up in her eyes somehow, she hated the feeling of being deceived and hiding it.

Why doesn't he understand? !
"Why do you have to get to the bottom of it?" He and Qiao Xu hid some things from her, but it was a promise and respect for the deceased.

"Why don't you understand!" Jiang Mu glared at him angrily. Qiao Xu's death really made her sad, but she was even more sad because Gu Mingcheng had something to hide from her.

(End of this chapter)

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