when we are in love

Chapter 117 Error

Chapter 117 Error
"What's going on?" Wang Yue happened to pass by the personnel department, and heard voices inside. It was Jiang Muxin who was right.

This is the chairman's secretary. The supervisor naturally said everything. He thought, Secretary Wang must also be on his side. How much trouble can a new intern make.

Naturally, Wang Yue would help Jiang Muxin out of the siege, although he didn't know why she took so many days off.

"It's not a big deal. Her performance is also recognized. It's impossible for the company to be so impersonal. What's more, the contract is signed, so she is granted the vacation."

"Secretary Wang, this is against the rules!"

"The rules can be changed. If the subordinates have objections, let them come to me directly." Wang Yue made up his mind to help Jiang Muxin.

The supervisor thought to himself: I really don't know what kind of luck this Xiaojiang has. Even the secretary next to the chairman helps her speak.

Wang Yue led her to the coffee shop downstairs. It was still working hours and there were not many people in the shop.

"Thank you, Secretary Wang."

"You want to ask for leave, why don't you tell the chairman directly?" After all, she is the future leader of Huihong, and Wang Yue has always been polite when talking to her.

"The reason for my leave is purely personal, so I don't want him to know." She has already thought about it. The company will ask for leave. After the operation, she will rest at home. As for Dad, there is a seminar at school during this time Yes, basically leave early and return late, even if she stays at home all day, she won't be found.

"But the chairman asked?" After all, it was he who agreed to her request for leave. If he is away from the company for half a month, the chairman will definitely come to him.

"Just let him come to my house, and I'll explain to him." As for Zhao Heng, it's even easier, he won't interfere in her affairs, he should be eager for her to rest at home.

Jiang Muxin told himself that everything has been arranged and there will be no mistakes.

"Well, when you come back from vacation, you don't need to go to the secretary department anymore, just report to me."

Knowing that this day would come sooner or later, she was still a little surprised, "Thank you, Secretary Wang."

"This is the chairman's greatest wish."

"I know."

"Xiao Yue, let's have dinner together."

"Your surgery is so late! But I have to send the medical records to the director later."

"It's not easy for you in the obstetrics department. I also sent medical records, but it's almost twelve o'clock. If you don't go to eat, there will be no food in the cafeteria. Besides, our two directors must be resting, so we will send them over later. It's fine."

"OK then."

The two ordered meals and sat opposite each other to eat. Two thick identical file bags were placed together.

Xiao Yang's cell phone buzzed a few times, "Oh, I forgot, I have to do a ward round later, it's too late, I have to send the medical records, Xiaoyue, take your time." After she finished speaking, she casually Picked up a file bag and ran.

There was a series of traffic accidents on the expressway yesterday. The surgical ward has successively taken over more than a dozen patients, and all the doctors on leave have been called back to deal with the situation.

It was another splenectomy operation. Three hours later, Fan Xiaoting walked out of the operating room, explained some matters to the patient's family members, and then returned to the office. Do some more research.


"Xiao Yang, is Xiao Yang outside?"

Xiao Yang came in from the outside in a panic, holding a file bag in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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