when we are in love

Chapter 129 Sour plum

Chapter 129 Sour plum
"The wound is not deep, no stitches are needed, be careful not to touch the water these few days, remember to apply anti-inflammatory drugs." The doctor in the clinic wrote down the prescription on a piece of paper.

Gu Mingcheng took it, went to the window to get the medicine, and frowned.

"Still uncomfortable?" When Jiang Muxin saw it, he mistakenly thought that his head was still hurting.

"No." He frowned because of the prescription. He had an abrasion at all, and all he needed was an anti-inflammatory ointment, but he was prescribed so many antibiotics.

"then you?"

"I'll go to the traditional Chinese medicine store in the community later, and I'll grab some medicines."

Jiang Muxin was surprised, "Isn't it you, your wound will heal sooner with western medicine." I have never seen anyone who likes to drink Chinese medicine as a drink.

"Western medicine is good, but I remember what a classmate said when I was in college. Western medicine treats a patient with a pile of parts to be assembled, cutting and cutting, sewing and repairing. Chinese medicine is extensive and profound. Each acupuncture point is as small as a needle. They can treat illnesses. I studied Chinese medicine, so of course I believe in my own method the most.”

Jiang Mu pursed his lips, "Well, what you said makes sense anyway."

On the contrary, I was even more frightened by those needles. I used to stick needles on myself when I saw him have nothing to do. This is no different from self-torture.

God knows, if Gu Mingcheng knew what she was thinking at this moment, he would definitely explain to her that when he sprained his wrist, he would give himself an injection. Some minor illnesses are treated in this way by those who study Chinese medicine.

Gu Mingcheng was thinking about her body, he didn't dare to walk too fast, and he didn't even dare to speak too loudly. The journey that was supposed to be a few minutes was taken by him for more than ten minutes.

Afraid that she might not be used to the smell of traditional Chinese medicine during her special period, she went to the pharmacy to grab the medicine herself, and came out with two bags in her hand.

"This is for you, do you want to eat a few now?"

Jiang Muxin took a look, "Huamei, what are you doing for me?" The tip of his nose was filled with a sweet and sour taste, and his mouth seemed to really want to feel its taste.

"This is sour plum, not the plum you usually eat. There are too many chemical additives in plum. Don't eat it anymore. The sour plum in this pharmacy is made according to the ancient method, so you can eat it with confidence." Gu Mingcheng looked at her with a smile With the appearance of a little greedy cat, her heart softened for a while, and she reached out and stroked her long hair.

Jiang Muxin probably didn't notice it, and let Gu Mingcheng's behavior pick up a sour plum and stuff it into his mouth.

"Are you still used to the taste?" He can also make this sour plum, but the production cycle will be longer, so he didn't say anything out of fear that she would wait.

"Well, the medicine tastes too strong and too sweet, but it tastes better than plums." Jiang Muxin said honestly. Fortunately, the people in the pharmacy didn't hear it. Gu Mingcheng also said just now that it's all made according to the ancient law. She was also picked to make it like this, which shows how big her mouth is.

"I'll give you something better later." Gu Mingcheng already had an idea.

It's just a sour plum, she didn't take what Gu Mingcheng said at the moment.

Not seeing her expectant look, Gu Mingcheng was a little disappointed, it seems that in this girl's heart, the child is what she cares most about now.

"What should I do next?" Standing at the gate of the community, Jiang Muxin had no idea, so they found an excuse to escape, and suddenly she didn't know how to face her father who was so disappointed in her.

"Uncle Jiang, he won't be really angry with you. It's okay. I'll go back and kneel later and let him forgive me." He pushed his glasses, and he could see the light in his eyes through the lenses.

Jiang Muxin raised her head and glanced at the man who had been standing beside her in a protective posture. The scene just now jumped into her mind, and the feeling of cold hands and feet suddenly came up, "No!"

The corner of the mouth pulled up a slight arc, but it was quickly hidden, "I can't stay outside all the time, go back to my house first."

After much deliberation, she actually had no other place to go except Gu Mingcheng's home. Such a realization made her flustered. It turned out that he had long been an indispensable part of her life.

"go home."

He said he was going back, not going, she was his family, and he would shelter her and protect her family all his life.

When the two walked into the entrance, Gu Mingcheng was startled by the shopping bags at the door, and then he laughed and said, "These are the things you and Mom went shopping today."

She ate a lot of sour plums along the way, she was in a slightly better mood, and she hummed twice, thinking: You must not underestimate the shopping desire of these two women!

Gu Mingcheng glanced at the name of the packaging bag, and became interested in the contents. He sat down on the sofa and took apart one by one. He opened all the packaging boxes, and the baby supplies were scattered in every corner of the living room.

Mess is the most taboo image for him, but at this moment, he feels touched by being surrounded by a kind of happiness.

The sun was setting low, and the rays of the setting sun were warmly projecting everywhere in the room. Jiang Muxin, who was sitting on the recliner by the window, was like a painting at this moment, so beautiful that it took his breath away. He called softly, "Xinxin."

"Huh?" The warm light made her feel sleepy, but her hands would unconsciously caress her lower abdomen.

"Can I..." Gu Mingcheng was so nervous that he put his hands on both sides, "Can I let you touch it?"

If it wasn't for him staring at her stomach all the time, she would have misunderstood his hooligan behavior at the moment.

Seeing her silent, Gu Mingcheng thought she was annoyed, and quickly explained, "I just, I just want" to let the baby know that I am the father, and he has never touched the baby.

But he was so nervous that he couldn't even finish his sentence.

This silly man, Jiang Muxin laughed at him with a silly look on his face, half lying on the recliner, but still couldn't help being nervous: "The doctor said that the baby is only as small as a soybean, so you have to be very careful." Imagine caring about this child.

"I know." As a doctor, of course he knew, but at the moment he was like a kid with no common sense, no doctor's principles, and felt that as long as he touched it a little harder, it would hurt the baby.

Looking at the lower abdomen, with the soft light of ink as when looking at Jiang Muxin, he murmured softly: "Baby, I am Dad, Dad loves Mom very much, and loves you very much, thank you for coming, we will have A happy home."

Women should be impulsive. Jiang Muxin thought that Qiao Xu's death, Gu Mingcheng's concealment, and the unexpected arrival of a child were enough blows to make her world feel ashamed.

But at this moment, there were only her and Gu Mingcheng, and her child's father said something when he was moved, "Gu Mingcheng said these things, and he must do it in the future."

"Of course!" He didn't dare to imagine what else he could do if he didn't treat her well.

"Okay then, go and get your account book."


Seeing his blank look, she wanted to laugh: "Go get the certificate, we can't let our child not even get a birth certificate."

(End of this chapter)

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