when we are in love

Chapter 143 Tricks

Chapter 143 Tricks
Zhao Heng looked hesitant to speak, it seemed that he had found something, Gu Mingcheng patted her little face and said, "Are you full? Go upstairs to rest quickly, before you come back, don't you still yell at your feet? pain."

Jiang Muxin knew that they didn't want her to intervene in this matter, but she was a mother now, and she couldn't back down. To back down was to admit defeat, "But I want to know, I want to see clearly who harmed me and the child like this."

"Good boy." Zhao Heng came over and took her hand. Gu Mingcheng had told him just now that she was not opposed to accepting the company. Maybe he wanted to speed up and get the company in order.

Jiang Muxin smiled and said nothing, and helped Zhao Heng to sit on the sofa. It turned out that she would feel so relieved when she no longer hated someone. Why was she so paranoid before? have no choice.

"Mingcheng, we remembered your words and did not call the police. I asked Xiao Wang to ask the courier company. He said that the courier was extremely careful. He didn't even come forward. He spent a lot of money to ask the courier to go to a locker. Withdraw money." The other party was so careful that even Zhao Heng, who had been in the mall for a long time, couldn't help but feel worried.

If things happened to him, how could he be afraid of those villains behind them, but now it is his granddaughter who has endured all this, and she still doesn't understand the rules of survival in the mall, and she might be caught in a dangerous situation. danger.

"Xinxin said that Qiao Yang went to her a few days ago, but that bridal shop was not something she could easily enter. I'm afraid the other party was planning to use Qiao Yang early in the morning to break the relationship between you and Xinxin. Grandpa, I'm afraid I would also like to trouble you to investigate Qiao Yang to see who she has been in contact with recently."

Zhao Heng thought about Gu Mingcheng's words, and was shocked in his heart. The other party's actions were really vicious, and they wanted to destroy the family relationship between him and Xinxin, which had been repaired with great difficulty.

"This matter will definitely be investigated carefully." If he knows who did it, he will definitely regret what he did today.

It's because she is so well protected and thinks this world is so beautiful, but she has finally experienced a conspiracy theory. She can actually choose, choose not to have a company, get pregnant and have children, and live her life under Gu Mingcheng's wings. little days.

But Gu Mingcheng is so good, he protects her perfectly, but what about himself?What else could she do but return his love?So she also wants to be strong, and wants to protect the people she wants to protect, just like Gu Mingcheng.

Gu Mingcheng saw the light bursting out of her eyes, so energetic and energetic, he was almost infatuated with it.

In fact, Zhao Heng has always had a wish in his heart, "Xinxin, do you have time the day after tomorrow? I, I want... let you go with me to see your mother, but... is it okay?" Jiang Muxin brought up the topic in front of him.

For 20 years, he has no face to go to his daughter's cemetery to see his daughter.

Jiang Muxin couldn't react for a long time, Gu Mingcheng pushed behind her back, and she seemed to remember saying something in a daze, "Grandpa remembers to buy the flowers that Mom likes."

"Okay, grandpa will definitely bring it."


The man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at all kinds of dust-like people below, and sneered. Sure enough, he could only enjoy such a view by standing on a high place.

He held a newly printed newspaper in his hand, and the content of the headline caught his attention, 'The boss of a listed company attended a woman's wedding, and the outside world speculated about her identity. '

"Does the general manager need me to negotiate with this newspaper?" The person standing in front of the desk kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, fearing that he would offend this uncertain boss by saying the wrong sentence.

"No need, if Zhao Heng doesn't want to expose his granddaughter, those newspapers will not be able to dig up the news. I'm afraid this time he released the news on purpose." The man turned his head and threw the newspaper casually in the corner.

"Then shall we proceed with our plan?"

"According to the situation in the past two days, those little tricks seem to have no effect on their grandchildren. It seems that I underestimated Jiang Muxin. She doesn't look like a porcelain doll, she still has a little thinking ability."


"Zhao Heng's recent big move has caused dissatisfaction among the people below. How is that accountant doing now?"

"The people from the casino came to report that he has borrowed usury seven times."

"Very well, lend him as much as he wants." The man was planning step by step in his heart, he was not far from success, "When the employees fail to pay their wages, the matter is irreparable, let's see what they do, troublemakers How did you get in touch?"

"Used a space card to contact, and paid directly, but did not meet."

"If the matter becomes serious, the media must be invited. Let them know some news first. I want Huihong to be trampled under Zhang's feet!"

"Brother, stop!" The door of the office was pushed open by Zhang Yimo, obviously she heard everything.

"Just do as I say, and get down."

"It's the general manager."

Zhang Yimo stared bitterly at the employee who had been ordered by her brother to leave. She had to find a way to stop his brother's crazy behavior.

"Brother, it's illegal for you to do this." Although she doesn't interfere with family affairs, she knows that usury is illegal as soon as she hears it. It was obtained by such means.

"It's fine if the goal is achieved." Zhang Yiyang naturally knew it, but he had already put all his eggs in one basket, so he didn't want his sister to intervene in these matters.

"Brother, I really hate you!" In order to achieve his goal, she had to sacrifice the friendship of her best friend, she didn't want to do this!

"Momo, you shouldn't hate me, we are a family." Zhang Yiyang stroked her hair, "Brother did this for our family, you can continue to be good friends with Jiang Muxin, you didn't hurt She, even if she wants to hate, she can hate me, but you must not hate me, we are close relatives." Zhang Yiyang carried the expectations of the whole family, so he couldn't lose, and he couldn't afford to lose.

"You deliberately arranged for Qiao Yang and Mu Xin to meet alone, and then sent that scary doll to Mu Xin. What do you really want?"

"I just want her to remember Qiao Xu's death. Zhao Heng can't get rid of it. I just hope that after she takes over the company, she can personally destroy the company Zhao Heng built." Speaking of this, Zhang Yiyang frowned, "But on the day of her wedding, Zhao Heng was there and they took pictures together. It seems that I made a mistake in Qiao Yang's move. Not only did it fail, but it also promoted the relationship between their grandparents and grandchildren. The connection of family affection is really beyond my control."

"However, Momo, soon, very soon, brother will be able to buy Huihong. When it comes to New Leaf City in the future, everyone will know our Zhang family." The madness in Zhang Yiyang's eyes shocked Zhang Yimo, her brother really went mad up.

(End of this chapter)

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