when we are in love

Chapter 145 House arrest

Chapter 145 House arrest
"You can't use such a dirty behavior if you want to buy it!"

"Dirty?" Hearing these two words from his sister, Zhang Yiyang frowned fiercely, "Momo, you can't say that about brother." Everything he did was not for the betterment of his family.

"Why not! I just want to say it! You lied to me, let me lie to my best friend." What Zhang Yimo regrets most at the moment is that he agreed to his brother and lied to Mu Xin with him.

Zhang Yimo no longer blindly avoided, "What did you say at the beginning, you want Zhang to develop better, but you just hope to get Huihong's help, you know Mu Xin and I are good friends, so let me spy on her The secret is to let you have a little more confidence in cooperation in front of Chairman Zhao, I told you Mu Xin's secret, but you used it to make a fuss, and even wanted to take away what belonged to Mu Xin."

Zhang Yiyang admits that such a thing is disgraceful, but it doesn't matter, in the end he didn't succeed, he successfully disrupted their wedding.

"You only care about the friendship with Jiang Muxin. You don't care about family affairs at all. I don't care about your thoughts, but you must not interfere with what I want to do." Zhang Yiyang hates this feeling. Mo Mo has listened to him since he was a child, but now Because of Jiang Muxin, I don't even want my brother.

"Brother, are you forcing me to make a decision?" Brother just doesn't understand, even if it wasn't because of Mu Xin, she would still stop his behavior, he is completely crazy to do so.

"I came back to get the documents. The client is still waiting for me. Mo Mo put the seal back." Zhang Yiyang urged, he didn't have so much time to spend with her.

"No." Zhang Yimo gripped the seal tightly, "I want to tell Dad to stop you, I won't give you the seal."

Zhang Yiyang suppressed all the emotions in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Momo, don't force me to do it."

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Zhang Yimo's eyes showed horror.

Without giving her a chance to react, Zhang Yiyang grabbed her wrist with one hand, while the other hand reached out to grab the seal.

"You can't take it away, I can't watch you continue to make mistakes." She reached out to grab it, but the power gap between men and women, she couldn't do anything after all.

"Friend Momo is more important to you, or is brother more important to you?"

"Of course you are important, that's why I can't"

"That's enough for Mo Mo." Zhang Yiyang hugged her, looked at the seal in his hand and smiled wryly, "Brother will not lose." After speaking, he let go and walked out of the room.

Before that building was completed, my brother would definitely attack Huihong. Zhang Yimo always believed that good and evil are rewarded. Sooner or later, her brother will be exposed for doing so many things. She can't just watch him go to jail. "Huihong! Yes, if you can't find Chairman Zhao, tell Mu Xin first, and let her take precautions first." Zhang Yimo muttered to himself, suddenly thought of a way, his eyes were clear, and he stood up and was about to run out.

"Come back to me." Hearing her muttering, Zhang Yiyang yelled that it was not good, "You can't go anywhere, honestly stay at home for me!"

"I do not!"

Zhang Yiyang grabbed her shoulders, his eyes were almost red, and he said clearly, "I will never allow anyone to destroy my plan, not even you."

After speaking, he pushed Zhang Yimo to the ground violently, "Stay in the room until you give up your thoughts."

The door was closed with a 'bang', which made her tremble all over in shock, and then she came back to her senses and ran to the door. No matter how hard she tried, the door would not open. It was Zhang Yiyang who locked the door from the outside.

"Let me out, you can't lock me up! I'm your sister, you can't do this to me!" Zhang Yimo kept banging on the door, but no matter how much she shouted, no one answered her.

Zhang Yiyang listened at the door for a while, and then went downstairs. She lived on the second floor, and there were iron guardrails outside the windows, and the mobile phones were all placed in the living room. No one would come to her, and there was no way to escape.

"Mama Li will give you a few days off and go back to your hometown to rest." Zhang Yiyang suddenly opened his mouth at the door, which startled Mama Li.

"Why hasn't the lady come down yet? My claypot rice is about to be ready. What should I do, Miss?" The incident was so sudden that Mama Li didn't even react.

"She's going out to play for a few days, you turn off the fire and go." As for Momo, he will send someone to take care of her.

"So anxious?"

Zhang Yiyang lost his patience, "If you are told to rest, rest, and I will call you if you come back."

Li Ma is also a discerning person. Hearing what the master said, she quickly turned off the fire, took off her apron and left, and looked upstairs worriedly. The young lady was upstairs just now. I was so angry when I went up and down, where did the lady go?
Standing by the window, Zhang Yimo watched his brother's car leave, and then even Li's mother left with her luggage. She was the only one left in this family, locked in the house, without communication equipment, she really couldn't ask for help. Door.


"Hey, what are you doing?" Jiang Muxin stood up and turned to look at the person who took her mobile phone away, staring at the person with her hands on her hips, with a savage look, "Give me the mobile phone!"

"What did Mom say?" Gu Mingcheng glanced at him with a half-smile, "You have already exceeded the time for playing with your mobile phone today."

Jiang Muxin muttered "Stingy ghost" and sat on the sofa with his back turned to him in anger, picked up the book at the side, and rummaged through it.

"Why do you still get angry after a few words, you are so delicate." Gu Mingcheng saw that her skin had gotten better after pregnancy, so he pinched her face itchingly, well, it was really smoother than before.

"You are the squeamish one, you are squeamish and your whole family is squeamish."

People say that being pregnant for three years is stupid, and it seems that this is true. With Jiang Muxin's bald mouth, she still included herself. The whole family includes her.

Gu Mingcheng tried his best to hold back his laughter, but in the end he couldn't help laughing out loud. I'm afraid she would never be able to erase her cute appearance from his heart.

"Would you like to go to sleep? I'll take you out for a walk later." Gu Mingcheng is still on his wedding leave now, so he doesn't need to go to the hospital, so he can relax. The two of them should be on their honeymoon, but thinking about Jiang Muxin's body, He vetoed everything like flying, so the two newlyweds had to stay at home all day long.

"Let me sleep just after eating, you treat me like a pig! I called Momo just now." Jiang Muxin leaned against him in frustration.

This little thing knew and explained it to him.

"No one has answered since yesterday, and if I call again today, the phone will be turned off. Nothing will happen to her, right? If it doesn't work, I'll go to her house to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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