Chapter 157
"How is the wage settlement situation on the workers' side?"

"It's all settled, but the project under construction is now undergoing inspection by the government department." Xiao Wang paused and continued: "The owners of the shops that have been pre-sold are now asking for a refund."

Jiang Muxin finally had a taste of what it means to have a house leak and meet Lian Yeyu, "Now how much money can be mobilized, and if they want to refund it, they will refund it to them. We can't let the media catch any more negative news."

"Okay, I will coordinate with the finance department on this."

"It is also necessary to find Zhao Liang as soon as possible. We don't know whether he has cut corners in this project. Now we have generously asked the relevant departments to intervene. If something is really found out and the test report comes out, then the media's words will be confirmed. , what we can do now is to understand the safety level of this project one step earlier than the government, and then make further plans."

"Do you need me to take care of it?" After all, Xiao Wang also knows the truth, and sometimes the necessary etiquette will help a lot.

"Now Huihong is on the cusp of the storm. What to do is not to be watched by the outside world. You should play it by ear and not do anything illegal." Now Jiang Muxin is handling things more and more easily, and even Xiao Wang has to praise her. Careful thought.

Hearing this, Jiang Mu felt somewhat ashamed. Only she, grandfather, father-in-law and Gu Mingcheng himself knew that the plan came from Gu Mingcheng. They were all on Jiang Muxin's body.

After dealing with things for a while, when it was almost time for dinner, she consciously put down her work and prepared to take a break before eating.

When she picked up the phone, there were already four or five unread text messages in it, and the senders were all 'husband'. The title on the phone was secretly changed by Gu Mingcheng. Jiang Muxin always felt that it didn't matter if he changed it or not. The certificate is not used to deceive people, but this is something Gu Mingcheng has determined.

Clicking on the message and reading all the content, she just didn't reply, um... Can she say that she likes this feeling of being cherished!

"Will Mu Xin go downstairs to eat today, or have someone send it to the office." As long as she goes to work, she usually eats with Xiao Wang at noon.

"Go down and eat. As a pregnant woman, I still need to move more." As soon as she stood up, she felt dizzy, and the uncomfortable feeling of breathing came up again.

"How are you?" Xiao Wang supported her nervously. This situation has gone on several times, but she has been enduring it.

"I... my heart feels a little uncomfortable, you take me to the doctor" The sudden feeling of suffocation made her dizzy.

"Mu Xin! Wake up!" Xiao Wang managed to support Jiang Mu Xin who was staggering due to fainting, and quickly called the emergency number.

The ambulance arrived in time, Xiao Wang reacted and called Gu Mingcheng, "Doctor Gu is not well, Mu Xin passed out just now, and she is on the way to the hospital."

Gu Mingcheng's head buzzed, and his chest seemed to be stabbed with a sharp weapon, "I'll go to the emergency room right away!"

Jiang Muxin, who was carried out of the ambulance, was wearing an oxygen mask and it was not difficult to see her pale face. What Gu Mingcheng saw with his own eyes was enough to make his heart ache, "Xinxin is me, wake up and look at me."

"Doctor Gu, don't disturb our emergency work, please wait outside." The nurse pushed Gu Mingcheng outside.

Gu Mingcheng was waiting in the corridor in a panic. When he saw Xiao Wang, he asked, "What's going on? She was fine before she went to work in the morning."

Xiao Wang told Gu Mingcheng everything, including what happened in the conference room and He Ming's provocation.

"Mu Xin issued a military order in front of the directors. If the company is still the same after three months, she will take the blame and resign."

He Ming!He remembered this person, and even made his little wife faint with anger, and those board members, they were really good, they partnered to bully a pregnant woman!
"Angioneurotic fainting is a very common disease that occurs in pregnant women. Pregnant women must keep their body and mind smooth." The emergency doctor came out and determined the cause.

"The pregnant woman is already awake, and when the CT report comes out, she can leave without any problems."

Gu Mingcheng had already pushed open the door of the emergency room, and he saw that Jiang Muxin's face had recovered a bit. Because of her pregnancy, hanging water and taking medicine were useless, and she could only recover by her own immunity, which made her look a little uncomfortable.

Under the urging of some emotion, the moment she saw Gu Mingcheng coming in, she opened her hands, wanting to fall into his arms, which was a kind of strong dependence.

Gu Mingcheng hugged her even more tightly. He had never seen her so fragile. He kissed her on the cheek, "Is Bao'er still uncomfortable?" This is his unique title.

Jiang Muxin nodded, and his tone was unusually wronged, "I was so uncomfortable just now, but I don't feel uncomfortable now."

"You are just too tired, rely on me to take a rest, there will be an examination later."

Jiang Muxin pursed her lips, "I haven't had lunch yet! The company cafeteria cooked a piece of Erchuan today, so I don't have anything to eat." Thinking of the extremely delicious taste, her saliva almost flowed out .

It turned out that what she was thinking about was actually food. Gu Mingcheng suddenly felt a lot of pressure. When he met such an offline wife, his mind was racing all the time. .”

"Okay." Without any delicious food, the whole person was a little bit unmotivated.

Gu Mingcheng felt her indifference, and felt helpless in his heart, "I'm really worried to death, I can't bear such a thing a second time." If possible, he also hoped that she would stop meddling with the company's affairs, but He can't be so selfish yet.

Jiang Muxin herself also felt a little scared, she can no longer take her body seriously like before, "I promise to be a mother-to-be who can eat and sleep in the future."

"If you can really do this, I won't have to worry about it all day long." Gu Mingcheng's feeling caused him a headache even more than watching a rare disease.

While talking, the CT report came out, and the doctor said it was all right and she could go back.

"Oh, it's really comfortable to steal half a day of leisure." Under Gu Mingcheng's strong request, Jiang Muxin went home to rest, and she didn't have to go back to the company in the afternoon. She returned home and sat on a chair in the small garden to bask in the sun. Looking at the afternoon sun, I almost felt the emotion above.

Gu Mingcheng looked back at her, with a smile in his eyes, and continued to work on the things in the pot.

(End of this chapter)

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