when we are in love

Chapter 174 Kidnapping

Chapter 174 Kidnapping
The fragrance smelled from the tip of his nose became more obvious, He Ming hurriedly turned his back, trying to calm down the restlessness.

what happened to him?He Ming ruthlessly cast aside himself, but she is only a woman, He Ming, you are really crazy!
"Are you really okay?" His behavior was really strange.

"I'm fine!" He Ming took a big step back, only thinking that if this woman was far away from him, he would be fine.

"Oh." Jiang Muxin felt that this person was really strange, "Then let's talk in the living room."

After drinking a glass of cold water, He Ming felt that he was normal again, and remembered the purpose of coming here this time.

"What do you mean by doing this?" Throwing the appointment order on the table, "Give me alms? Or thank me for helping you find the murderer behind the scenes?"

He really wanted to open this woman's brain to see if there was a mess inside, knowing that he also coveted the chairman's position, how could she give him up like this?Is she really stupid, or does she have another purpose?
Seeing that he was so excited, Jiang Muxin thought that he had done something bad with good intentions, so he quickly explained, "Don't get excited, let's talk about it, I have really thought about this matter seriously, and you are the acting chairman. most suitable."

"Then you are not afraid that I will swallow up the company, and when you come back, there will be no scum left for you?" He Ming leaned forward, and his vicious words were not only useless to Jiang Muxin, but also made her almost laugh out loud Come on, "What are you laughing at, you silly woman."

"I believe in my intuition. It's hard to explain. It's like I know that your existence will pose a threat to me, but I can't find anyone else in the company except you."

God knows how bloody He Ming is when he hears these words, but he is damned to follow her tricks.

"I told you in advance, the company is now in my hands, and it has nothing to do with me."

"You will definitely manage well." Regarding He Ming's suddenly abnormal tone today, Jiang Muxin felt that he was the most sincere, but he was not worried at all.

"Innocent woman, I really don't know how Gu Mingcheng raised you so innocently." Those sharp eyes were like leopards, trying to see through her.

Jiang Muxin blushed, this. . .This man just can't help boasting, is there anyone who talks like that!

"What about your kid, he was born two months ago, take him down and have a look?" He Ming suddenly didn't want to leave after talking to her like this, and tried to bring up some other topics.

"Upstairs, wait a minute, I'll let Aunt Zhang carry me down." Speaking of his son, Jiang Muxin's smile deepened.

She was about to go upstairs, but He Ming shook his head suddenly, he must be a demon, what kind of child are you looking at, he quickly said: "Then don't worry about it, I still have something to do, next time, let's see next time."

"Oh" Why is this person so strange today?
"How long has it been, why is there no news yet, are your actions so slow?"

"Mr. Zhang, you are embarrassing us. This woman stays at home all day, and there are people at home every day, and she lives in a wealthy circle, with surveillance and security. How can our people rush in? It's not courting death." !"

Zhang Yiyang looked at the various reports in the media that were beneficial to Huihong. The passing of the engineering inspection, coupled with the cooperation with Gu's, seemed to have nothing that could destroy Huihong again.

Jiang Muxin had already pushed him to the edge of the cliff, he could no longer sit still, "I will find a way to lure her out, and then you wait for my call."

Zhang Yiyang clicked on a software in the phone, and there was a red dot on it that was moving all the time. It was a tracking virus that he had planted in her phone for fear of her escaping, but he didn't expect it to be really used today.

Zhang Yimo watched the courier seal the information into a file bag and write the address. After all, she couldn't stop her brother, so let others stop his crazy actions.

"Ink ink"

"Brother?" Zhang Yimo subconsciously went to see the courier at the door. Fortunately, his brother was a step behind him and didn't notice.

"After running away for so long, it's time to go home."

"I won't go back with you."

"Don't go back? If you don't go back with me, where else can you go?" Zhang Yiyang stepped forward and grabbed her arm tightly, "Your good sister Jiang Muxin has seen through our tricks, she no longer regards you as a friend Is it interesting for you to nest in this ghost place every day for the past two months?" Zhang Yiyang has a clear grasp of everything after she escaped from the house.

It turned out that he had never given up on monitoring himself, and Zhang Yimo couldn't shake his hand away, and said resolutely: "Even if it's a ghost place, it's better than going back with you and being placed under house arrest."

"Momo, don't challenge my patience." Zhang Yiyang let go of her, and said to the bodyguards behind, "Take her back."


Zhang Yiyang walked into the house. This place was where they lived when they were young. At that time, their parents did not make a fortune, and their family lived in this place. It was simple but very happy at that time.

He did so much just to make his family's life better, and there was nothing wrong with that.

"What are you doing with my phone? Who are you sending messages to? Give it back to me!" Zhang Yimo suddenly saw him digging through his bag. Normally, she would never think of anything else, but at this moment he must have something else. What a conspiracy.

After pressing 'Send', Zhang Yiyang came to her side, "Your good sister will come to you later, didn't you go to her before, did she ignore you, let me explain to her for you. "

"You bastard, why are you doing this!"

"She won't come. She doesn't regard me as a friend for a long time. It's useless for you to do so."

Zhang Yiyang's brows furrowed deeper, "Will you find out later, take her back."

'Mu Xin save me! '

When Jiang Muxin received the text message, her eyelids kept twitching, what happened to Momo?
When she called again, the other party was already turned off. What happened to Momo?
For a while, she thought a lot, whether this was their plan again, and if she went to find her, did she just fall into their trap.But if something really happened to Momo, and she didn't go because she cared, wouldn't she regret it for the rest of her life!

That's right, it was this text message that Zhang Yiyang sent. He concluded that Jiang Muxin would not come out easily because of Mo Mo's text message, so it could only scare her.

Momo, can I still trust you?

Jiang Muxin asked herself this way, thinking that some time ago, Mo Mo suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in the hospital again. Where did she go during that time, and there was no explanation at all. Could it be that something happened to her?
(End of this chapter)

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