when we are in love

Chapter 181 Detention

Chapter 181 Detention
Finally, Zhang Yiyang couldn't sit still anymore, all his self-confidence collapsed at this moment, he had to go to the scene, Momo would definitely be fine.

"Prepare the car, I'm going to the scene soon."

"Okay, but the general manager may feel wronged, our car is too ostentatious when we go out."

"Hurry up and do it." Zhang Yiyang had already stood up, and went to the underground garage with him.

The secretary drove Zhang Yiyang out of Zhang's family in a van, and went out through the main gate, but no one cared about the car.

But Zhang Yiyang did see that there were media constantly besieging Zhang's employees outside, trying to get some inside information about the collapse of the office building from them.

"Hum..." Maybe it was from the bottom of his heart that he looked down on these people. When the disaster was imminent, he would only add fuel to the fire. As soon as the newspaper reported it tomorrow, the family members of the injured would come to the company to hold up banners.

How could such a scene be so familiar? In just a few short months, what happened in Huihong originally happened in Zhang's. Could it be that there is really retribution in this world?

Zhang Yiyang was surprised that he had such an idea, how could such a weird thing happen, this thing can be solved, it can be done!
The car quickly reached a few hundred meters away from the accident site. "The ambulance vehicles basically blocked the road, and there were too many people. The general manager and our car couldn't get in at all." The secretary went down to check the road conditions and came back tell him.

People nowadays always like to join in the fun, basically this road has been blocked.

Fortunately, after the completion of this office building, there were no residential buildings around it, otherwise the fall of such a high floor would definitely spread to the surrounding area.

Zhang Yiyang looked at the office building that was built in the past. There used to be Zhang's logo there, but suddenly there was nothing there.

In an instant, it turned into nothing, a ruin, and the haze in his heart became deeper and deeper. At this moment, self-blame completely flooded his heart, "Mo Mo..."

"Just get down here, and I'll walk over."

"The general manager can't do it. It's really too dangerous to pass now. Those injured are very emotional now. If you pass like this, you will definitely be in danger." The collapse this time was even more serious than he expected. many.

This doesn't have to be the crisis they caused Huihong last time, it's just a cover, and Zhang's really had such a big accident!

"At least I want to know how Momo is doing now." Zhang Yiyang looked determined, he must find Momo, Momo, you will be fine.

Seeing that he couldn't stop him, the secretary gave up, parked the car, and went with him.

It took more than ten minutes to arrive at the site where the incident occurred, but the collapsed place had already been cordoned off by the police who arrived, and only ambulance personnel could be seen in the distance.

Here and there you can see some wounded people being put on stretchers.

"The general manager can't get any closer to the front." The secretary stopped him from behind.

Zhang Yiyang stared at the passing ambulances, trying to find Zhang Yimo from the crowd, but no, no, still nothing...

No, nothing will happen to Momo!
Staring at the ruins in front of him, as well as Momo who didn't know his life or death, he suddenly realized that there was no way to solve it.

Thinking of this, he finally stopped looking at the scene of the incident and left here.

"General Manager, where are you going now?"

"Go to the Urban Construction Bureau."

The previous director helped him hide the geological report. He gave him so many benefits and took so much money. It's time for him to contribute.

He must not be allowed to hand over the original geological report to the procuratorate.

"Call Director Wang." As long as he got back the real report, even if the court wants to prosecute him, he needs to find another report, but there is only one report, and it is with Director Wang.

As long as the report is destroyed, he can drag it down with the people of the Judicial Yuan. In the end, at most, he will be sentenced to compensate the merchant and the medical expenses of the injured.

"I can't get through the phone." The secretary repeated several times to make sure that the other party was turned off, and then called Zhang Yiyang.

"what happened?"

"I'm afraid I received the news and ran away."

"Damn it, things haven't gone well yet, so I'm afraid it will happen like this!" Zhang Yiyang hit the seat in a circle, bumping into walls everywhere, and waved his hands with a headache, "Let's go back to the company first."

The Zhang family was in depression. Because of today's report, many employees were afraid to come to work for fear of being caught by reporters asking questions.

Now is the era of self-media, and employees are afraid that if they say something wrong, they will use it as a excuse.

When Zhang Yiyang returned to the office, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. Director Wang's phone couldn't be reached at this moment. Did he take the document with him, or did he hand it over to the court?

"Lawyer! Call the lawyer right away. As long as this document is notarized, the Zhang family will not be able to make a comeback." Now I can't control so much now, the most important thing is to get Huihong's equity.

With Huihong's equity, he can do whatever he wants!A Zhang family can afford to squander it!

"This... okay." The secretary looked at the madness in his eyes, what kind of thoughts could make him so crazy.

He didn't know this, but now he had no idea and could only listen to Zhang Yiyang.

The secretary just walked out the door, but was shocked by what he saw, and retreated step by step into the office.

"I didn't ask you to go...you are?" Zhang Yiyang raised his head and looked at these people impatiently, but the one who was supposed to come still came.

"It's Mr. Zhang Yiyang. Someone reported that you bribed government officials and forged geological reports. Now come back with us to assist in the investigation."

"Where's the evidence? Where's the evidence?" He wasn't the kind of person who would submit obediently.

It seemed that he had expected him to say this a long time ago, and the people in the Judicial Yuan had already prepared some remarks, "Director Wang of the Urban Construction Bureau, you remember, he has surrendered himself and confessed to his affairs, and you gave He has two reports, one is a real geological report and the other is a forged document."

Director Wang!He turned off his phone and turned himself in!
Zhang Yiyang couldn't believe it, "I'm going to call my lawyer."

"Yes, before the lawyer comes, come back with us to do an investigation, and we will copy the files on your computer."

Zhang Yiyang stared at the public official who was chattering with him in hatred, "If I say no!"

"We will enforce it."

"I want to sue you for abuse of power!"

"This is an arrest warrant, Zhang Yiyang, everything we have done is reasonable and legal."

This must not be true!How could it be possible that the people from the Bureau of Justice came here so quickly, someone must have made an informant!

Even if the Bureau of Justice wanted to investigate him, it was impossible for them to find him as soon as the incident happened. It was impossible for them to find all the evidence so quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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