Chapter 189
The flight from Auckland Airport to Zurich lasted more than one day and one night, but these two people who had been restrained for a long time did not feel a little bit tired, only the pleasure of flying freely out of the cage.

"I feel like the air here is filled with the smell of cheese!"

"And chocolate!"

No wonder people often say that women are short of sweets in the five elements, and they really can't live without sweets for a moment.

"Where is the place to live? Have you found it?"

Zhang Yimo looked at the latest Swiss travel guide in his hand, and shook his head, "No."

"Then where are we going to live?" Jiang Muxin suddenly felt that this trip would be very difficult, and it would be easy to get lost with such a person who only followed his feelings.

"Oh, don't be afraid. You have such a rich identity as the chairman of Jiangda. You can just swipe your card. There is nothing to worry about. This is an instant trip, and that's how it should be!" Zhang Yimo patted her shoulder, signaling her to relax.

But Jiang Muxin felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Before going out to play with Gu Mingcheng, although they were all close to each other, at least he would arrange everything well and never let her worry.

Now the two women, in a foreign country, are actually quite dangerous.

"Okay, I found it, let's go here, there is an introduction in the strategy."

The two found the hotel according to the above address. It was really good. There were all kinds of rooms. In the end, Jiang Muxin and the two settled on an apartment in the form of an independent small western-style building with all the equipment in their own home. exactly the same.

It wasn't until the waiter brought in both of their luggage that Jiang Muxin felt that something was wrong. She swiped her card so diligently just now, and she really didn't think about the consequences at all. What's the point of coming to a hotel?"

"Yes!" Zhang Yimo realized belatedly, "Can I withdraw?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Muxin gave her a supercilious look, "They're all staying here, so let's forget it."

Jiang Muxin, who spent unjustly money, was a little unhappy.

Gu Mingcheng hadn't been able to contact his wife for two days, which made him even more flustered, always worried if she was still angry, or if something unexpected happened.

The distraction of the past few days, coupled with the busy work, made him, a healthy person, fall ill.

Every time Gu Mingcheng called Jiang Muxin was unlucky, it was when she was flying.

When Jiang Muxin remembered to look at her mobile phone, it was already the second day in Switzerland. She was really shocked when she saw the inbox that was almost full and the three-digit number of missed calls.

Gu Mingcheng actually called her so many times, but she didn't respond at all, so she quickly called her back.


"Xinxin!" Gu Mingcheng's voice sounded a little hoarse, "Why didn't you answer my phone, where have you been these few days?" Finally hearing her voice, his heart was somewhat hanging, and he returned to his place .

"I walked around with Momo, and then I forgot to turn on my phone."

Gu Mingcheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't deliberately not answer his phone because of Lin Jiaojiao's affairs.

"Are you still used to it over there? Where have you been?" Gu Mingcheng adjusted his infusion posture. This time he had a bad cold, so he had to use western medicine on his body, after all, he recovered quickly.

"What's wrong with your voice, it sounds a little strange?"

"It's nothing, I just woke up." He thought it was better not to worry her.

"Today is Wednesday, you actually take a break." This was a rare occasion for him to take a break on a working day, which surprised her. "Momo and I arrived in Switzerland, and we have been eating delicious food for the past few days."

"Rui...Switzerland?" Gu Mingcheng asked tremblingly, wondering if he heard it wrong, his lips even trembled a little, "Why... why did you suddenly think of going here?"

"Momo has always wanted to come. We were bored in the small town, so we took a plane to travel." She answered it as a matter of course.

"Is it just like that?" When Gu Mingcheng asked, his face became even paler.

Didn't she really go to Switzerland because of Qiao Xu?Why did she have to take such a long flight to Switzerland after going to New Zealand?

This had to make Gu Mingcheng think of other things, after all, the last place Qiao Xu stayed was Switzerland!

"Of course! Oh, let's stop talking, Momo is calling me!" Jiang Muxin hung up the phone hastily without waiting for him to say a few more words, and she didn't remember until two or three minutes later. , Why did Gu Mingcheng ask like that just now.

She even forgot that Switzerland was where Qiao Xu once stayed.

Gu Mingcheng, it turns out that your love has long healed the pain of my youth, and even made me cruelly forget the past.

Did I put a spell on you, or did you leave marks on me that will never be erased. . . .

"Hey, hello!" But the person on the other end of the phone had already hung up, and Gu Mingcheng threw the phone aside in a somewhat dejected manner.

Qiao Xu, Qiao Xu, and Qiao Xu again, this talent finally disappeared from among them, but why did he keep appearing lingeringly, disturbing their lives?

This time, he finally didn't hesitate anymore, and he didn't want to wait any longer. When she came back, he didn't know how long he would have to wait.

To his hospital, to his job, now he has to get his wife back!
Regardless of whether you still have him in your heart, regardless of whether you will feel hurt when you go to that place, you are now the wife on my household registration book and the mother of my child, so you are not allowed to abandon this family!
Thinking of this, Gu Mingcheng just felt that he didn't have that sick feeling, so he directly pulled out the hanging needle in his left hand, and now he was going to arrest someone!

This was obviously Qiao Xu's city for more than four years, but she couldn't find that familiar atmosphere. Some things became clearer and clearer. After so many days away from home, she finally felt free to play.

After five or six days in Switzerland, the two finally felt a little tired, so they decided to buy a plane ticket back to the small town in New Zealand.

Jiang Muxin has always been a good housekeeper. For such an apartment-style house like theirs, after living in such an apartment for so many days, the kitchen has never been turned on, and she feels a little guilty. It is such a waste!

So I suggested to Zhang Yimo to go to the supermarket, buy some materials and cook for myself, so as to draw a successful end to this instant trip.

"What to do?"

"I don't know at all. You just look at it and buy it. I'll eat anything anyway."

"OK then."

It’s really hard to find some domestic ingredients in foreign supermarkets, but the advantage is that the fruits and vegetables are super fresh, but Switzerland is a place rich in cheese, so that what they eat these days is related to cheese. Look now When you go to the cheese section in the supermarket, you can go there directly.

(End of this chapter)

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