when we are in love

Chapter 3 I feel sorry for him

Chapter 3 I feel sorry for him

Standing on the sidewalk at the traffic light, there is a gold jewelry store on the corner in front. They went to repair the chain just now.

Qiao Xu squinted his eyes slightly, and saw the beautiful figure standing at the door of the gold jewelry store clearly. She was so petite, with long hair draped softly behind her head, staring at the ground calmly, not knowing what she was thinking, quiet, so so Well-behaved girl.

Qiao Xu originally wanted to give her a surprise, but the two of them seemed to have a good understanding. He was just about to cross the sidewalk when the light turned green, when the girl standing at the door of the shop raised her head.

The smile on her face widened and she shouted loudly, "Brother Xu, you are finally back."

This was on the street, and this girl didn't know how to restrain herself. When she yelled just now, many passersby already looked sideways at her.

However, those people's gazes were not displeased because of the girl's yelling. On the contrary, such a beautiful girl was a beautiful landscape in their eyes.

Qiao Xu quickly ran to her side, so close, he could clearly see the girl's red cheeks from the cold, and said in a reproachful and distressed tone, "Silly girl, it's so cold, you don't know how to find someone Wait for me in a place sheltered from the wind." She was really a little girl, so he would keep worrying about her.

The girl sniffed, let alone, she really didn't feel much cold just now, but now she took a sharp breath, it was really cold.

"Then you won't be able to see me!" With this little appearance, there is as much aggrieved as you want.

Qiao Xu's heart warmed when he heard that, how could he be willing to make her unhappy, "It's my fault for leaving you here alone for so long."

Before the girl had time to enjoy his comfort, she was frightened by the blood on his body, and pulled his clothes nervously, "Why are you bleeding, where are you injured?"

Just as Qiao Xu was about to reach out and pat the girl on the head to tell her not to panic, he found that his left hand was also stained with blood, so he quickly put it down, "It's okay, I just accidentally cut my skin with a knife when I was chasing the thief."

"Why do you bleed so much when you cut the skin, let me see the wound quickly!"

After all, Qiao Xu couldn't hold back her, so he had to show her the back of his hand, "Xinxin, I'm really fine." His hand doesn't feel any pain now, it must have really hurt.

The sharp knife cut across the skin, the flesh turned outwards, and the blood coagulated, which was terrifying. Jiang Muxin wiped the corners of his eyes, not only surprised, but also distressed. How could he pretend nothing happened in front of him!

Her eyes were red, and she was obviously holding back tears, "She said it's okay, you're already like this, don't you know to go to the hospital for bandages first?"

"I'm not worried about you waiting in a hurry, so come back first."

When Jiang Muxin heard it, it turned out to be like this. He took his other uninjured hand and walked to the side of the street to stop the car. "Let's go to the hospital quickly. If the wound becomes inflamed, it will be bad."

"Listen to your heart." Qiao Xu knew that everything he said would affect this girl's heart, so he tried to follow her as much as possible.

Xinye City No.1 People's Hospital
In the corridor of the hospital, Jiang Muxin was neither sitting nor standing, staring nervously at the door of the emergency room. The doctor looked at Qiao Xu's hand just now and said that the knife probably scratched the meridians.

After the film was taken, he was taken to the emergency room and said that he was going to have a minor operation.

Minor surgery, that's what the doctor said, but Jiang Muxin couldn't help worrying, surgery is always risky.

(End of this chapter)

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