
Chapter 17 Heroes Save America

Chapter 17 Heroes Save America
Boom boom boom!
A series of explosions frightened the tourists to run away in panic. Under the violent impact, the masonry walls of the surrounding buildings burst and collapsed, glass shards scattered and scattered, and the reinforced concrete was like hail, smashing down from a high altitude.

The Green Goblin swayed the pumpkin bomb in his hand, and the rumbling air wave rushed out of the building. Violent vibrations and explosions continued to resound, and the crowded crowd turned into a turbulent flow. People screamed and screamed in the flames of the explosion Fleeing in all directions, the contagion of panic spread, the carnival tourists and passers-by looked up at the sky, and the laughing green devil couldn't help feeling desperate.

Who will save us?

Sean saw that Peter, who was still taking photos in the crowd just now, disappeared, and a smile could not help showing on the corner of his mouth. Let Spider-Man save the citizens of New York. He saw the Green Goblin flying to the edge of the hotel roof. In front of Harry and his girlfriend, Norman killed the two major shareholders of Osborne Industries with a pumpkin bomb. Fortunately, Norman had not completely lost his mind and did not hurt his son.


With the idea of ​​watching the battle quietly, Sean didn't plan to be a heroic and good citizen who rescued people, but out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure. The stage collapsed and the fixed steel frame was pulled, and he was about to crush the opponent's fragile body.

With a long sigh, Xiao En exerted force on the soles of his feet, turning into a flying arrow, and rescued the terrified Keren at an extremely fast speed. With a bang, the steel frame fell heavily, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust.

Feeling the trembling of the delicate body in his arms, Sean could only softly comfort him: "It's all right, you're already safe."

The girl in her arms tightly grasped the savior's hand, and when she raised her head, she was surprised to find that she was an acquaintance: "Sean...why are you here?"

"My friend invited me over, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen..." Sean explained, "Gwen, let me take you out of here first."

This girl's name is Gwen Stacy, and she and Sean are college classmates. They work as interns in Dr. Connors' laboratory together, and they are quite familiar friends with each other.

"It's very dangerous here." Sean looked up. Spider-Man, who had been waiting for a long time, finally appeared. Peter, who made his official debut for the first time, kept shooting spider webs and jumping between tall buildings.

And the Green Goblin seemed to have discovered this annoying guy, let out a sharp laugh, and manipulated the aircraft to rush down. He had just strangled two fresh lives, which inflated his tyrannical desire, as if there was a The voice kept shouting in his ears, asking him to destroy and destroy even more crazily!
"Hey, Spider-Man?"

Several pumpkin bombs were thrown towards Spider-Man, and the turbulent and violent shock wave knocked Peter flying in mid-air, and smashed heavily on the wall of a building.

"Do you like the gift I gave you? Hahaha, Spider-Man!"

The Green Goblin activated the miniature machine gun on the aircraft, and a dense metal storm shot towards Spider-Man, instantly turning the solid wall into a hornet's nest. Peter continued to shoot spider silk, with the help of balloons floating in the sky and The ribbon dodged, and while the Green Goblin was not paying attention, a spider thread popped out and stuck to the bat flying machine under the opponent's feet, causing it to lose control immediately and throw the Green Goblin out of the air.

"Come on, try this!"

Taking advantage of the victory, Spider-Man chased after him, spewing out spider silk to make a spring, and ejected his feet vigorously, bombarding the Green Goblin like a cannonball, knocking down the culprit who disrupted the carnival activities with three punches and two kicks.

Not to be outdone, the Green Goblin rolled and landed, and lifted a huge cylinder, flying Spider-Man who was in the air, and slammed into a car. The two fought inseparably. Demon has a whole body of high-tech equipment, and the combat strength between the two sides is almost the same, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Sean took the frightened Gwen to safety, and suddenly heard a scream. Following the sound, it was Harry and Mary Jane who were trapped on the balcony. They kept calling for help, but no one paid attention.

Spider-Man originally saw the goddess he had a crush on in danger and wanted to rush to rescue him, but he was entangled by the Green Goblin and couldn't get away. He was also seized by his opponent because of his distraction. After a burst of punches and kicks, he landed on the downwind.

The flames of the explosion rushed out from the hotel, and the balcony where Harry and Mary-Jane were standing was in danger, and it might break and fall at any moment. The two of them huddled in a corner, begging for someone to come and help.

"I'm really busier than a superhero..." Sean complained silently in his heart, then turned to Gwen and said, "I still have friends over there, you stay here and wait for the police to come."

Gwen held the men's suit on her body with both hands, silently watched the back of Sean leaving, her heart throbbed, the scene of the carnival was full of explosion flames and thick smoke, the green goblin and Spiderman were fighting fiercely, At such a dangerous moment, this young boy still thinks about his friend, which is admirable and touching.

The fast-running Sean didn't know that he had been made into a brave and fearless hero by Gwen. Whether it was out of self-interest considerations or the moral bottom line deep in his heart, he couldn't just sit back and watch Harry's life and death. Ignore it, anyway, do some good deeds once in a while, just treat it as accumulating character value.

While thinking, Sean rushed into the chaotic hotel. The elevator was out of service, so he had no choice but to run at full speed along the stairs. In a matter of minutes, he had already rushed to the balcony on the top floor of the hotel—however, such a huge amount of exercise was no different from taking a walk for him.

"Harry! Mary-Jane!"

Sean found that the situation of these two people was very dangerous, especially Mary-Jane, half of her body was already hanging in the air, the cement on the balcony was constantly peeling off, and the cracks on the wall were constantly expanding, and they might fall at any time.

"Come on, grab my hand!" Sean first pulled Harry over, and then handed Mary Jane his hand.

The red-haired girl was trembling with tears on her face. She was really frightened by the previous Green Goblin. She tightly grasped the warm palm extended and threw herself into Sean's arms.

Sean, who successfully rescued the two people, pushed Mary Jane away calmly, and led the two people all the way out of the hotel, away from the center of the battlefield. They witnessed the Green Goblin killing two of the Osborne Industries The major shareholders have suffered a huge shock to their hearts and need time to calm down.

"It's okay, Harry, everything is over." Sean comforted the unstable Master Osborne.

At this time, Harry seemed to remember something, hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and called his father, but no one answered.

"I have to go home first, Sean, help me bring Mary-Jane home!" Harry remembered that he had invited his father to the carnival, and now that there was such a vicious terrorist attack, he was a little worried .

Sean nodded helplessly, turned his head to look at Gwen and Mary Jane, and said silently in his heart: "What are you doing, one is the girlfriend of the second generation of Green Goblins, and the other is Spiderman's first love girlfriend, why did you leave them all to me?! "

"What a bad day!"

Deeply depressed, Sean called a taxi and took the two frightened girls home.

(End of this chapter)

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