
Chapter 406 The Beginning of the Big Event

Chapter 406 The Beginning of the Big Event

When Scott Lang opened his eyes and sat up on the bed, he saw a serious old face full of wrinkles. He subconsciously lifted the quilt to make sure that his clothes were neat and chaste, and he relaxed quickly. tone.

This series of actions made Hank's face darken, and he began to wonder if he made the right choice by choosing this unreliable thief.

"The scientific name is 'Palaponilaklavata', a giant tropical bullet ant, which ranks first in the 'Schmidt's Sting Index'. Don't think about running away or playing tricks. I'll wait for you downstairs."

After Hank simply said a word, he pushed the door open and left. Scott looked at the dense ants colony on the floor, felt a little apprehensive, and tiptoed out of bed.

He hadn't figured out what was going on with all of this. As a prisoner arrested for grand larceny, Scott had just been released from San Quentin prison and was busy looking for a new job.

It turns out that even if you have a master's degree in electrical engineering, no company wants to hire an ex-con, even if it's to serve an ice cream chain.

In the United States, when most companies recruit for positions, they will conduct background checks, and there are even employment background check companies that are specifically responsible for this work.If the other party has a criminal record, there is no doubt that he will be out of the game.

Despite repeated statements by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), if an employer refuses to hire someone because of a criminal record, the employer must provide a legitimate business There is a relationship.

It's a pity that the effect is very little. This kind of implicit discrimination is everywhere. Even if Scott is not a violent crime, it is still difficult to find a normal job.

In order to get the visitation rights of the children from his ex-wife, he must have a stable job, a good living environment, and pay a certain amount of child support every month... In short, he needs a sum of money.

So Scott finally decided to take the risk, and cooperated with his former inmate Louis to prepare for a big one, targeting a retired billionaire, Hank Pym.

"Scott Lang, I think you should know who I am. This is my daughter Hope."

Hank sat in the living room, put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Scott who hadn't understood what happened, and said with a smile: "I worked so hard to let you steal my battle suit, but Hope... But you were caught and thrown into prison."

"Since you are sitting in front of me now, I need to tell you about the next task. After all, not everyone can break through my security system, and the trick of freezing metal is especially clever."

"Are you spying on me?" Scott frowned.

Hank leaned back on the chair and said bluntly: "I have been watching you for a while, since you robbed Vesta Corporation... Sorry, maybe I should use the word 'theft'. Vesta Corporation's security system It was the most advanced in the industry, virtually invulnerable, and yet you hacked its systems, stole millions of dollars from it, and drove that boss's Bentley into the swimming pool."

"Leaving aside the law, this is a very successful crime. If you hadn't lost your mind and posted the transaction records online, the FBI would have found you."

Scott remained silent. He was not a bad person in nature. Vista Corporation used financial means to illegally embezzle millions of dollars of property from customers. After he found out about this, he immediately reported it to his boss, but the result was Get fired.

As a technician, he couldn't bear this tone, so Scott impulsively acted as a modern Robin Hood, hacked into the company's security system, and returned the millions of transfers to the cheated customers. Widespread debate.

But if you do something wrong, you have to be punished. Scott was arrested and imprisoned by the FBI on charges of illegal entry and grand theft. His wife divorced him and lost custody of his daughter. It can be said to be a heavy price.

"Dr. Pim, no matter what you want to do with me, or what purpose... I don't want to participate in this plan."

Scott shook his head. He understood now that the old man in front of him deliberately set a trap and released information through various channels, making Louis focus on the oversized safe in the basement of his house.

And like a fish biting the bait obediently, he broke into his house and stole the battle suit.Hank Pym planned it all.

"With all due respect, you don't have a choice."

Hank is not a nice guy. In fact, his personality is worse than Tony Stark, and almost no one can work with him for a long time.

Too headstrong, self-centered, and emotionally unstable...all of these make others stay away from Hank Pym.

"First, you broke into my home and stole important items containing cutting-edge technology. If I don't cancel the dismissal, you will be sent back to prison, and this time will serve a longer sentence."

The old man spoke slowly, took a sip of black tea, and continued: "Secondly, you have completed this task for me, and I can promise to help you reunite with your daughter again."

Hank opened his own chips, which is also Scott's Achilles' heel, and he has a lovely daughter.

"As a father, if you don't even have the qualifications to attend your daughter's birthday party and give her gifts, then it's a failure, isn't it?"

Hank's last words made Scott sit back on the chair. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I'm willing to do anything, as long as you don't let me break into other people's houses to steal things."

"I just need you to break into other people's houses and steal things."

Hank shrugged and said helplessly.

His student, Darren Krauss, tried his best to replicate the Pym particle, in fact he was close to it, and planned to sell this cutting-edge technology to Stark Industries.

Whether it is selling Pym particles or cooperating with the Stark family, this is unacceptable to Hank.

Moreover, if this cutting-edge technology is leaked and applied to the military industry or the development of weapons and equipment, it will cause huge harm.

So Hank wants to send someone to steal the completed "Wasp Suit" and destroy the server that holds the core data.

"Sorry, I have a question about this mission... How do you bypass the Ultron program and enter the server of Claus Technology?"

Scott raised his hand like a student, and asked politely: "Although I don't want to say that, but the Ultron program developed by Mr. Tony Stark, so far, no one can invade it."

"Stark Industries has offered a sky-high reward of 1000 million US dollars. If someone can hack into the Ultron program, not only can they receive a coveted huge reward, but they can also get a lucrative job as a high-level information engineering manager. ... To be honest, I was very tempted before, but it didn't work out."

"Tony Stark...a dude who makes flashy steel suits. I'll fix that."

Hank curled his lips in disdain. He used to be a more outstanding genius than Howard Stark. He was able to win the philistine businessman back then, and now he will not lose to the opponent's son.

(End of this chapter)

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