
Chapter 456 Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 456 Doomsday Catastrophe

A huge sound wave swept away, and the violent hurricane tore through the air waves. Manhattan, the busiest area with the most densely populated skyscrapers, modern high-rise buildings swayed and collapsed, setting off large clouds of smoke and dust, and rolling down reinforced concrete, as if a torrential rain was coming, one after another smash down.

Amid the loud and piercing explosions, the steel building toppled down like a majestic mountain. Below it was a long queue of cars chasing after each other, and innocent people fleeing in panic.

The dark clouds piled up in the sky enveloped the city like thick mountains. The oppressive atmosphere has been exaggerated and turned into a doomsday-like despair. People are like ants who have lost their sense of direction. With the wanton spread of panic, large-scale The stampede and violence began to occur.

Especially after the power supply was lost in some areas and completely plunged into darkness, streams of people poured into the streets, like dense waves of ant colonies.

At this time, under the command of S.H.I.E.L.D., the New York Police Department promptly drew out a large number of police forces to maintain order and appease people's hearts, and constantly arranged for citizens to move to safe places.

As early as 10 minutes ago, SHIELD contacted the local military and police department, took over the command from them, and evacuated the crowd in an efficient way. This calm and calm attitude gradually infected everyone. The sudden doomsday disaster brought the situation under control.

Dozens of armed helicopters are circling at high altitudes. In bad weather, the pilots can only operate cautiously. S.H.I.E.L.D. hopes to find out the truth behind the doomsday disaster and get more useful reference information.

In the center of the huge vortex, dozens of cars were pulled into the air, and they were involved in it without any resistance. Then there was a tooth-piercing sound of metal squeezing, like an invisible big hand clenched violently. During the turmoil, the car fell apart in an instant, turning into a pile of scrap metal.

The driver who was circling around the periphery and didn't dare to approach saw the water of the Hudson River floating up, and tons of crystal water droplets were scattered into the sky. With the suction force of the vortex storm, circles of ripples were formed, crystal clear Water droplets reflect light.

A burst of flames burst out in the dark sky. It was an armed helicopter that was hit by the wreckage of a high-speed rotating car, staggered and lost its balance, and fell like a kite with a broken string.

The driver couldn't enter the center of the huge vortex at all. The violent and wanton hurricane airflow, together with the scattered obstacles on the periphery, formed an insurmountable and dangerous line of defense.

"I don't know what's going on in Greenland?"

Reed watched all this anxiously, and Tony and Johnny had rushed there, hoping to stop the silver surfer and this terrible disaster.

Susan and Ben actively joined the rescue team, while he waited at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters as a supportive logistician at any time.

"God bless America!"

Mister Fantastic read silently.


New York is not alone in suffering today.

California, San Francisco.

The steel bridge across the Golden Gate Strait swayed in the violent storm. The solid bridge with a total length of more than 2000 meters is now like a slender steel cable.

The giant steel tower in the middle stands tall, and the thick steel cable connects and fixes the metal bridge body, like a red dragon lying on the sea.

The huge vortex in the sky expands and spreads, the gray air current sweeps through the thick clouds, and the oscillating and screaming sound waves can still be faintly heard. The cars on the bridge are congested and grow long. People panic, like group animals that sense the coming of disaster. Running in a hurry, eager to get out of this dangerous place.

The sea water gradually floats up, and the crystal clear water drops seem to be weightless. Against the backdrop of the dark sky, it reveals an alternative beauty.

Two steel cables with a diameter of 92 cm and a weight of [-] tons were tightly stretched, and the giant steel tower towering into the sky made an unbearable "click" sound. This building has been continuously strengthened since it was built. The huge bridge now looks very fragile and precarious.

The cars were stretched into the air, and the invisible pressure from the vortex crushed them into a pile of scrap metal, floating in the air like weightless, like a meteorite belt surrounding a planet.

Amidst the loud rumble, the grand bridge, which runs through the Golden Gate Strait and is known as "one of the bridge miracles of the twentieth century", wailed unbearably. The thick steel cables twisted by [-] steel wires Finally unable to withstand the pulling force of the distance, it broke with a bang!

Without the fixed steel cable supporting the stretching, the giant steel tower collapsed involuntarily, and there was a tooth-piercing sound of metal friction. The Golden Gate Bridge, which spans the north and south and is a landmark building in San Francisco, smashed like a dead dragon. Into the sea, set off a huge wave.

A burst of water mist filled the air like a rainstorm, and huge waves rolled. People in the distance were stunned, their eyes full of disbelief.

Just as Times Square is a symbol of New York, the Golden Gate Bridge also has indescribable commemorative significance in the hearts of San Francisco people. It symbolizes the gold rush that swept across the United States in the [-]th century, and it also represents the imprint of an era that cannot be erased.

But just today, this giant red dragon that straddles the north and south and connects the strait sinks powerlessly into the bottom of the sea.

Many people are crossing their chests, even though they are not all devout religious believers, but at this moment, in the face of this huge disaster sweeping the world, they can only pray silently, hoping for a miracle.

The same scene is happening all over the world, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, the Big Ben in London, England, the erupting Mount Fuji...

Every corner is being devastated by disasters. Outside the blue planet, a gigantic wave of shadows rumbles and rolls. Hundreds of millions of tiny branches extend out of it, like tentacle-like gray air currents attached to the surface of the earth. , ready to erode this beautiful planet that bred splendid civilization and vitality.

This is the end of the world in the true sense. With the loss of life energy on the earth, the warm cradle on which human beings live will turn into tiny dust in the dark universe.

"Reed, did Tony send back a message?"

Raven's voice sounded on the communication channel.

"No, I'm analyzing the radiation value on the Silver Surfer. It's a powerful cosmic energy, like a gamma ray stream..."

Reid reported the intelligence, and SHIELD was leading the leaders of the coalition government to migrate to the space base on the moon.

In other words, they have prepared for the worst, abandoning their home planet Earth and becoming homeless wanderers.

Washington, D.C., full of places of interest, is like a felled steel forest. Huge smoke and dust rises and fills the air. The towering Washington Monument crashes down, and the Jefferson Memorial is torn apart...

Everything is being destroyed.

Reed looked out the window, the gloomy sky was covered with dark clouds, and the huge vortex swallowed the air, like a world-destroying monster opening its mouth.

In the face of the huge disaster, the tiny human beings had no choice but to wait. They could not save themselves, so they could only pray for the appearance of a savior.

Reed lowered his head in annoyance, immersed in the complicated emotions of powerlessness.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel that the world had quieted down.

"How is this going?"

The huge vortex finally stopped, and then quickly shrunk, and the gloomy sky instantly cleared up, sweeping away the dark clouds.

Just when everyone was surprised, a thunderous roar swept across the world again——

"Shameless human!"

(End of this chapter)

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