Chapter 118 Three Flowers

Essons is not the best choice for Qiao Na, but this is the only one here that is good. Want to order some clothes.

The two sisters Huanchang completely regarded Qiao Na as an admirer.

"Sister...the clothes in this store look good to me, why don't I order a set?" Lu Junhuan sighed while looking at the clothes: "You plan to live here for a long time now, how can you do without clothes? And my sister also likes this brand very much..."

Lu Junchang was also active, "Yes, sister...the clothes are really good, they can complement your temperament very well, they must be very beautiful to wear."

The two of them went shopping with Qiao Na for a long time today, and they bought a lot of things by themselves, but Qiao Na still had nothing, so they decided to let Qiao Na choose some clothes.

"Okay..." Qiao Na didn't add any more clothes because she didn't plan to stay in City A for a long time. Since she is staying now, she has to buy more clothes, and this store is a brand that Qiao Na likes very much. "The waiter , give me a set of all the clothes in the store..."

"Ah...all the clothes here are needed." The waiter stuttered with a dazed expression on his face, "Miss, what you said is not true..."

She knew that each piece of clothing in this store cost at least hundreds of thousands, and the highest was several million. All of them cost more than tens of millions.

She saw that Qiao Na's clothes were also very ordinary, and they were all brands that she hadn't seen before, so she was very suspicious.

In fact, if she knew the price and provenance of Qiao Na's clothes, she would probably faint.

"Yes...all of these..." Qiao Na smiled, elegant and noble.

Before Qiao Na could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a sarcastic and sharp female voice, "Hey... who was I at the time... This is really a sparrow flying on the branch, and the tone of the speech is so loud."

Qiao Na looked up and saw three slender and beautiful women walking in.

The woman in the middle is wearing a slim dress, and her figure is even more beautiful. She has long wavy hair, some of which just cover her chest, looming, her brown eyes are beautiful and big, her eyes are flowing, and her style is infinite.

The one on the left is also considered a beauty, but she does have an internet celebrity face. It looks like she has plastic surgery, and this is the same woman who spoke just now.

On the right is the person Qiao Na is most familiar with, Mo Xiaobei, who hasn't seen Mo Xiaobei for a few days, and looks a lot thinner, looking at Qiao Na's eyes a little dodgy.

Lu Junchang approached Qiao Na and said with a smile: "These three people are Sanzhihua in City A, and the one in the middle is Qianjin Lexuan, who is the largest shopping mall in A, who has been studying abroad and only recently returned... the one on the left yes……"

Before Lu Junchang finished speaking, Lu Junhuan was about to jump up.

"Zhang Mengxue, what are you, you deserve to be called sister. You, a plastic surgery girl, dare to come out to meet people. If I had you hidden away, I would be afraid of scaring people. I don't know if I will be even uglier after plastic surgery... "Qiona has always been a god-like existence in her heart, how could she tolerate other people's insults.

"You..." Zhang Mengxue's face was distorted in anger.

"Why, if you can do it to snatch someone else's fiancé, you can't let people talk about it..." Zhang Mengxue looked at Mo Xiaobei on the other side, and said unconvinced, "Xiaobei, tell it her?" I don’t know what dirty means I used to snatch your man away..."

(End of this chapter)

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