Chapter 145
Looking at each other, Qiao Na was stunned for a moment. The man in front of her was still as gentle and elegant as before, giving people a very warm feeling. There was a smile on his handsome and elegant face, and there was joy in his eyes. Just seeing Qiao Na in Ou Chengze's arms When he was inside, his brows visibly twitched.

Qiao Na regained consciousness, with an elegant and indifferent smile on her face, still obediently leaning on Ou Chengze's arms.

Six years can dilute everything and change some impossible things. The man in front of him may no longer be the man he knew.

Song Yuge was her first understanding of ignorant love, so she was deeply impressed and couldn't let go of Song Yuge, but it was just dependence at that time, not love.

She let go of the barriers in her heart and came to Ou Chengze's side.

But now, he more hoped that the two brothers would live in harmony, not to hurt the harmony of the two for the sake of family property, so she wanted to come and slowly resolve the two.

"Yu Ge, what a coincidence, I didn't write that you are Cheng Ze's elder brother, so in the future, I will call you big brother too."

Big brother... Ou Chengyu didn't expect Qiao Na to say such a thing to him. She thought he still existed in her heart, but now it seems that he is not. He looked at the two with sad eyes. Are they still together?
In fact, he has been here for a while and saw two people kissing and teasing together. All of this originally belonged to him, because six years ago, six years ago, he became the youngest of the Ou family, but it also made him lose His most precious thing.

His hands are constantly tightening, he has forgotten the heartache at the beginning, but why is it more uncomfortable in his heart, he doubts whether what he did at the beginning was right or wrong, if it is not for revenge on the Ou family, then all of this now Happiness belongs to oneself, but he quickly adjusted his expression, "Nana, as long as you like it."

Originally, because of what Qiao Na said, Ou Chengze couldn't help but feel sweet in his heart, but he didn't expect that when Ou Chengze opened his mouth, he would feel uncomfortable.

Ou Chengyu said again, "Chengze, Nana... Where are grandma and parents looking for you? Let's hurry over there."

Jian Qing also came in from the outside, saw several people were there, and stood beside Ou Chengyu naturally, "So you are all here, and I am still looking for you everywhere? Grandma told us to hurry over, time is running out It's early, grandma is not feeling well recently."

Ou Chengze glanced at the time, it was already past ten o'clock, it was indeed late, "Let's go there quickly and say goodbye to the guests."

Qiao Na nodded and said to the two of them with a smile, "Let's go quickly..."

"They look really good together..." Jian Qing stood behind Ou Chengyu and said, "That Miss Qiao looks really pretty."

Ou Chengyu looked at the back of the two people leaving, his eyes could not conceal the hurt, if Qiao Na is as elegant and beautiful as a vase, then Jian Qing is a gentle, virtuous and tiring beauty, although he has Qiao Na in his heart, but he is more The one who is anxious is Jian Qing who is beside her, the person who has been with her during the most painful time, "Jian Qing, let's go there quickly, don't make them wait in a hurry."

When Ou Chengze and Qiao Na arrived at the banquet hall, they saw the old lady standing there in a hurry. Maybe because of her age, her face was a little pale. Worry flashed in Ou Chengze's eyes, and the two walked over, "Grandma, why are you not improving?" Well, are you too tired, you should go back early and rest."

Qiao Na was also a little worried, she had only seen her for three days, the old lady with a rosy complexion was so pale at this time, she was not as healthy as before,
Looking at the old lady's body, Wang Manwen was also a little worried, "Mom, it's not because I was worried about you two. I felt a little uncomfortable a few days ago. I know you are engaged tonight, so you must be there."

Ou Chengze and Qiao Na glanced at each other, both of them felt guilty.

"Grandma is a little tired. Grandma is old. Unlike you young people, grandma has to go home early to rest. I hope that your interest will not be affected by grandma."

The old lady held Qiao Na's hand while talking, "Nana, have fun, grandma will go back first."

The old lady seemed to be really tired, and she used a lot of strength after saying this, and seemed to faint at any moment, Qiao Na hurriedly supported her with her hands.

The old lady looked at Nana with satisfaction. This child didn't care about the previous suspicions. This kind of demeanor, this temperament, is really not an ordinary child. How could she object to it before.

"Grandma, are you okay..." Jian Qing appeared in time, took the old lady's arm and pushed Qiao Na aside.

Jona was taken aback. Although Jian Qing acted reasonably and naturally, Jona still felt uncomfortable. Jona shook her head. It seems that you are thinking too much. She is just worried about the health of the old lady.

Qiao Na's face remained unchanged, and she still smiled at the old lady, "Grandma, it's getting late, you go back to rest early, and we will go back soon after we finish."

The old lady nodded in satisfaction, Wang Manwen also explained a few words to the two of them, and left together. Because of what Qiao Na said just now, Ou Chengyu originally wanted to say something to Qiao Na, but he was not in the mood, so he and Jian Qing also agreed. The reasons for taking care of the elderly went back together.

Le Xuan looked at the two people who were close, especially seeing Qiao Na's flawless face, thinking of what the two of them said just now about pretending to be a couple, a sneer sneered at the corner of her mouth, she really knew how to pretend, "Miss Qiao, your acting skills are too good will be hurt."

Qiao Na looked at Le Xuan with a dazed expression, Le Xuan looked at Ou Chengze, and leaned closer to him, "Ou Shao, this is my number..."

Ou Chengze was a little displeased when he saw that Le Xuan was about to put his hand on her. When Le Xuan's hands were about to touch Ou Chengze, Qiao Na took the number, "Miss Le, thank you, take good care of my fiancé , I know he is unparalleled handsome and suave, and every woman wants him, but..." The corners of Qiao Na's lips curled up, and Luo glanced at Le Xuan with disgust, "Not every woman wants him."

"You..." Le Xuan was impatient. What does this woman mean? She is a real socialite. This woman is just beautiful and depends on a man to be in the top position. Le Xuan quickly regained her status as a socialite, "Qiao Na, don't be too proud."

Anyway, they are fake couples, Ou Chengze will find her good in the morning.

Seeing Le Xuan's leaving back, Qiao Na turned to stare at Ou Chengze.

Ou Chengze was a little scared by her stare, "I definitely didn't provoke her, as you said, although your fiancé, I am handsome and suave, I don't want any woman, I don't like her kind of woman. "

"Oh, you just look down on them, but it doesn't mean they won't post them. There is a saying that flies don't bite seamless eggs..."


Ou Chengze was speechless, what kind of metaphor is this woman.

Ou Chengze coughed dryly, "Nana, didn't I tell you? I used to play with those women, but I never touched them."

Seeing that Qiao Na didn't speak, Ou Chengze's mouth curled up and he smiled. This naturally knowing smile attracted the obsession of the fans present.

"Nana, were you jealous just now?"

Qiao Na was stunned for a moment, and her face turned red, "Whoever is jealous, pretends to be affectionate."

Hehe... Ou Chengze's mouth was the most angry, this is a stubborn guy, Qiao Na glared at him, and Ou Chengze smiled even more happily.

"I'll let you go just once, next time you're provoking bees and butterflies, don't blame me."

Ou Chengze nodded, "Ma'am, don't worry, I'm definitely going to fight one by one, or a group of people."

"It's almost there."

After the banquet, Huanhuan also suggested that everyone go to karaoke together, "Sister, let's go to karaoke together on such a happy day. I haven't sung with my sister for a long time."

"That's right, we brothers haven't had karaoke for a long time, why don't we go together." Han Yichen also wanted to hear a smooth singing voice, so he wanted to go too, but Qiao Na was tired from flying, so she didn't want to go out He rejected everyone, "No, I have been on a plane for a day, and I am not in good health recently, so I should go back to rest. If there is a chance in the future, I will call you."

The two were engaged, not married, so Qiao Na didn't plan to live in Ou's ancestral house, and Ou Chengze also moved to Qiao Na's two-bedroom house because of Qiao Na.

It was already 11 o'clock at home, Ou Chengze came out of the shower and saw Qiaona sleeping soundly in the bed, because the weather was getting hotter, Qiaona was wearing suspender pajamas, her perfect figure was half hidden under the quilt, The snow-white and graceful long neck was revealed in front of Ou Chengze without any concealment. Ou Chengze's eyes changed. He approached Qiao Na quietly, and said softly, "Nana... Nana..."

Qiao Na seemed really tired, Ou Chengze called several times and she didn't reply.

"Nana... If you don't wake up, I'll kiss you." Ou Chengze held back his laugh, and approached Qiao Na and said.

Qiao Na opened her eyes, and saw Ou Chengze's handsome face close at hand. The light in his eyes was familiar to Qiao Na, "Chengze, I'm really tired."

"Nana..." Ou Chengze drew his tone and approached Qiao Na. The heat of his breath rubbed against Qiao Na's neck, causing Qiao Na to tremble. Qiao Na panicked and closed her eyes.

The kiss that I didn't expect for a long time fell, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Ou Chengze with a cramped smile in his eyes, " are so blushing, are you thinking about something you shouldn't be thinking about?"

"Ou bastard..." Qiao Na was impatient, grabbed the pillow and hit her, Ou Chengze smiled and grabbed her hand, "Nana, you are dissatisfied with your desires, so are you going to hit someone?"

The pillow that Joanna raised with all her strength was fixed there, neither hitting nor falling, she put on a smile and hugged the pillow, "What, I just saw a bug on this pillow, I'm chasing the bug away .”

"Oh..." Ou Chengze raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing it.

Hmph... Qiao Na snorted coldly and lay on the bed pretending to be a dead body. Just as Qiao Na was about to fall asleep, Ou Chengze's voice sounded in her ears again, "Nana, I will definitely become very strong to protect you , so Nana, don't leave me, don't betray me, I only have you left, if even you have to leave me, I don't mind turning myself into a demon."

(End of this chapter)

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